哈雷-Davidson’s (Harley) 2020 Q1 financial report可见,摩托车制造商继续在艰难的时刻。对于整个第一季度,美国零售销售额15.5%,同比下滑超过一年。它的美国重量级的摩托车市场份额下降了2.2个百分点,降至48.9%。

在国际上,故事更是雪上加霜。国际零售销售下降超过去年20.7%的一年。而且,在第一季度,其欧洲市场份额仅为7.6%。所有起来,摩托车和摩托车相关产品同比下降$ 100M同期。


New course

The current management of Harley has to do something to chart a new course. Fast. They continue to从投资者面临的压力,包括帕拉资产管理,over the MoCo’s finances and management. So with the rollout of its 2020 Q1 finances, the MoCo rolled out some fairly extreme measures to deal with its financial picture.



当然,现金是必不可少的,哈雷说,它正在采取措施来解决COVID-19对业务的影响。根据哈雷声明,它计划减少资本支出和消费“整个组织的每个部分,包括冻结招聘,将在2020年据称挽救公司的现金$ 250M临时减少工资和消除在2020年为员工增加这些举动。In other cash-saving actions, Harley slashed its dividend to $.02 per share for the 2nd quarter of 2020. That, down from the previous quarter’s dividend of $.38 per share.

Jochem Zeitz Harley

The acting CEO of Harley-Davidson, Jochem Zeitz is making big moves at Harley-Davidson. Photo credit: Harley-Davidson


While all those measures affect Harley’s cash, they don’t do anything to change Harley’s sales and future product growth. To that end, the MoCo is announcing a “set of actions” that call for a new strategic plan. Harley refers to the plan as “The Rewire.” While that name is descriptive, one can’t help but wonder whether naming the new plan “The Rewire” is a smart choice. Especially considering Harley’s first electric motorcycle, the LiveWire is for all intents and purposes a failure for the MoCo.


哈雷says its goal is to “…reset the company’s operating model to reduce complexity, sharpen focus and increase the speed of decision making.” OK, that sounds good, but how does Harley intend to accomplish those goals?

Let’s talk about some of them and decide what the move means and whether it will be good for the MoCo.


  • 狭窄的焦点和投资的市场,产品和客户群,提供最大的利润和潜力。这包括哈雷戴维森公司在美国的强势地位建筑
    • 哈雷seems to be saying, “stick to what we know and what makes us money.” That sounds good, but with a dwindling rider base, will the move help Harley grow long term? We’ve already seen the effects of Harley’s aging riding population, hitting Harley’s bottom line.
  • 重新评估策略来达到新的骑手和build ridership.
    • 哈雷是说它放弃/调整其“更多道路哈雷戴维森?”事实上,该方案是昂贵的,投资者可能会很乐意来保存现金。但会杀死或减少程序带来新的车手品牌?
  • Prioritize the markets that matter.
    • 这是否意味着哈雷将在欧洲和亚洲的投资少了?此举节省了现金,但哈雷对世界其他地区放弃?
  • Reset product launches and product line up for simplicity and maximum impact.简化和再一次的产品发布,以反映新的现实,对齐与骑赛季的开始,并更好地满足企业和经销商的能力。
    • This seems to indicate that there may be delays for new products. Is Harley saying that the launches of the Pan America and Bronx models will be pushed back? Perhaps until next spring, when dealers often see more floor traffic and sales? If Harley pushes back its new models, until 2021, how will it help them right the ship this year?



  • 展开有利可图标志性的摩托车,以激发现有客户。继续致力于冒险旅游,街头霸王,推进电动摩新利18苹果托车。
    • This one is a bit of an enigma. First, Harley says it wants to expand profitable iconic motorcycles. This would seem to mean to make more models of the bikes that earn the MoCo the most profit. But they also say that the move is to excite existing customers. Well, that customer base is dying off (literally) and financially, so what about the future? How Harley will remain committed to Adventure Touring, Streetfighter, and electric motorcycles is not mentioned. But it is interesting to note that Harley’s commitment is to adventuretouring。这是否意味着他们不相信泛美将是一个显著的竞争对手在更多的越野面向竞争对手?这也是值得注意的是,电动摩托车是排名第三的承诺哈雷的名单,尽管该模型已经在生产和使用。作为第三行似乎并不像考虑模型(Livewire的)一个显著的承诺已经在生产。
Livewire Harley

哈雷’s LiveWire has met with mixed reviews because of its high cost and low range. Photo credit: Harley-Davidson

  • 焦点返回到的品牌和公司,与经销商,客户,产品的据点,并致力于全球员工启动力量。
    • This seems like a statement saying that Harley wants to return to its old way of doing business. Saying they want to focus on the strength of the brand implies that they will cater to existing customers and follow older business models. Interestingly, their concentration will be on dealers first, not their customers. Is Harley facing pushback from not only its customers but its dealers as well? Don’t customers always come first?

More info coming

哈雷says it plans to share more about “The Rewire” plan in its second-quarter update. Hopefully, we will be able to understand Harley’s plans once it is released.

Will the plan work?


In my opinion, Harley’s latest plan is a short term one that will appease investors. Will it come at the expense of riders, product, long term vision, and product growth?

What do you think? Do you think Harley’s new plans are a recipe for ultimate success or one for long term decline? Or is this the start of its salvation? Let us know in the comments below.

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