当你离开人行道,it's nice to have a platform that permits you to easily move your weight around on the bike to maintain good balance.  If you don't want to go out and pay big money for larger footpegs,you may want to consider ZipTy Racing's footpeg extension kits.  Having ridden with them for a full season,我可以说这些peg扩展是一个很好的补充。

Providing a 86mm (3 25/64″) long and 105mm (4 11/16″) wide platform it is now definitely easier to move around on the bike.  These peg extensions make weight transfers a piece of cake.  Not that weight transfer is that difficult,but having the extra length and width gives you the leverage to move the bike under your feet much more easily.  With the extensions installed,我发现我的脚感觉更牢固了,我从来不必为脚的好位置而挣扎。

虽然新创建的平台非常广泛,foot grip has not been an issue.  The ZipTy extensions have large cutouts between the base peg and the newly created perimeter of the pegs.  These cutouts allow dirt and mud to easily fall out.  The inserts install very easily and securely with 3 supplied bolts.  Installing mine were about a 30 minute job including taking the existing pegs off the bike for drilling.  The extensions are available in four different colors: orange,蓝色,银色和黑色。

All is not perfect however.  The platform so large that when stopped,your foot placement on the ground is changed.  With a foot on the ground,you'll notice that your feet are a little farther forward or behind the pegs than with the stock footpegs installed.  If you place your feet in front of the pegs,care must be used when starting as they have a tendency to contact your legs at the Achilles tendon.  It's not a huge issue provided you are careful.  In addition,the pegs add width to the bike.  They are so large that you definitely don't want to use them in a very difficult terrain.  The extra width can allow them to drag in narrow areas such as deep ruts.

总的来说,I really like these peg extenders.  They provide a wide stable platform that makes foot placement easy and riding more comfortable.  At about $90,they are less expensive than other peg extensions or replacement pegs.  I give them five stars for providing a great wide stable platform for everyday riding.  But for riding really challenging terrain,they can be a bit of a hinderance and I have subtracted one star.  Therefore, these peg extensions get a rating of four stars out of five.

ZipTy makes extensions for other brands of motorcycles.  You can check out their stuff by clicking在这里:

