Asian manufacturing giants are buying up everything these days, it seems. The Jawa marque? Not exactly Indian-owned yet, but Mahindra is building Jawa-branded machines. The same goes for BSA—Mahindra owns those rights, too. And Benelli, well, it’s no longer a truly Italian brand, owned and manufactured in China. The industrialists of the east are acquiring the rights to classic moto brands, using those names to sell Asian-built bikes.

因此,骑摩托车的人抱怨的崛起“zombie brands,” resurrected when they should have been left dead. There’s truth to this, but it’s also true this is nothing new. In fact, many of these Euro brands have been going through this regeneration process for decades, especially the British manufacturers.This 1968 Matchless G15是一个很好的例子。这是一个混合和匹配机在英国的原摩托车生产行业,两轮的科学怪人行将结束时手摇。



像许多英国人摩托车制造商,举世无双开始在19世纪末期制造的自行车,并转向了摩托车在世纪之交。盖世建立了自己的发动机几十年,但也可用于在其早年JAP引擎。今天,它已经几乎是不可想象的两个不同的制造商使用相同的电机(除了极少数例外,如铃木/川崎队行动所产生的KLX / DR-Z系列)。这样的安排是不是在英国人自行车行业屡见不鲜,特别是因为各厂商总是买对方出。在收购后,制造商将混合和匹配他们的字里行间引擎和其他技术。

盖世玩过这个游戏,买AJS和新光。它卖新光后;随后,美联社电单车,又名AMC购买了AJS /举世无双的公司。AMC拥有举世无双的1938年直到1966年,然后就破产了......和诺顿 - 维利尔斯买了尸体,并重新动画吧。这个新复兴举世无双的是业务,直到70年代中期,然后破产,像在英国所有其他的摩托车制造商。而且,像几乎所有其他英国的制造商,业内人士试图把20世纪80年代举世无双了。它没有工作;到了90年代,一切都结束了(除了T恤销售)。




The Matchless G15 is one of the unholy hybrids created in the dying throes of the British motorcycle industry, originally only produced for export. By the late 1960s, most of the UK’s manufacturers were using engine designs from one manufacturer, chassis designs from another manufacturer, and trying to create motorcycles that appealed to American buyers. Sometimes the result was a half-decent motorcycle, if you could live with the eccentricities of a Brit bike (crappy Lucas electronics, constant oil leaks, etc.). Sometimes, the result was something like the诺顿的Hi-骑士


The advert says this bike was restored to original condition, but it looks like someone might have modified that intake.



The ad says this particular bike was ridden in 2018. According to the auctioneers, it was “restored to factory specifications” before the current owner acquired it in 2011. If that’s the case, what’s with that intake system? Is that the original spec air filter? Hrmmm …

Whatever the case, it looks an awful lot like这台机器带来上市当年的拖车。现在,它的部分铝菲利普斯收藏,售价为Mecum即将推出的印地200的拍卖。拍卖运行7月10日至18日,所以,如果你认为你想拥有这个特殊的自行车,最好准备开始招标。菲利普美术馆有很多美丽的复古英式自行车的,所以如果你在这个自行车错过了,你总能抛出一些现金在这个1964年AJS型号16,or this1951年林依晨红色猎人500,or this1966 Panther 120,或任何其他渔获你的眼睛。

Photos: Mecum

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