
大约两年前,现在,坐在墨西哥提华纳郊区的一个小黑幕旅馆外,我琢磨不定RTW旅行的我自己的荣耀异象和这一切的现实。我出生在铁幕的错误的一边,并且对于第一意识年我的生活,只在书本和旧地图集旅行,我的旅行应该是什么样一个梦想。而时间最长的,我不能放过这个想法的。由于杰克·凯鲁亚克和儒勒·凡尔纳,圣 - 艾修伯里和海明威,我一直认为旅游是关于大启示和宏伟的发现,遥远的地方和非凡的人,没有什么是道路上永远平凡。



但在提华纳是chock-fu背阴的小旅馆ll of mundane. The night air was so warm it felt almost liquid, and there was a smell of old cooking oil and chopped onions emanating from a little taco stand nearby, mixing with exhaust fumes. A man was arguing with someone on the phone, loudly, in one of the rooms; the receptionist, a plump, sleepy woman with a little crucifix on her neck, her hair a little gray at the temples, her lips chapped, was watching TV ignoring the rest of the world; a stray cat was looking for scraps in a trash can, and an old man was smoking a roll-upcigarillooutside, his trousers old and worn but perfectly pressed.

喝着我已经温暖Corona和通过,我心想我曾经想象看世界去 - 并在一定程度上,或许大家都这样做 - 如何前往遥远的地方,看到不平凡的事或许会令我有点非同寻常,太。如何陌生人的好意,看到安第斯山脉首次的敬畏,在内布拉斯加州那些长长的列车的忧郁和阿塔卡马沙漠的孤独,在落基山脉的转向叶之美,在开花的杏树格拉纳达,老年妇女在玻利维亚被遗忘的村庄和新墨西哥州的日出在世界上的火地岛的边缘纯惊叹和质朴的冰川湖泊的寂静中牧场主的简单的真理的智慧智利Patagonia would somehow rub off on me, leaving me in a perpetual state of wonder, making me a little wiser, a little better, and that in the end I would understand something very important and carry it with me.


An indigenous woman in Ecuador. Image: personal archive


Despite learning a thing or two about humility along the way, however, I am still terrified of visiting my dream destinations. Alaska, for one; Cape Town, for another; and Australia, of course, Australia which, in the day and age of cheap flights and easy motorcycle shipping still feels like the promised land for me. But it’s not quite about theParis Syndrome,a sort of state of fear that Paris, either literal or metaphorical, will fail to meet expectations and end up being disappointing. It’s not about imposing a task of impressing or delivering meaning upon the unsuspecting world; and it’s not even about my old, romantic ideas about what travel should be like.




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