
好吧运气会有它,事实证明我有最好的邻居想象力。Lyndon Foster,创始人托罗足迹,拍摄我在社交媒体上留言,询问我是否在该地区,这不是一个奇迹,找出我在同一个小村庄作为托罗径基地。在共享啤酒和冒险故事的光荣晚上,出现了一块情节:我们会在安达卢西亚径上骑Lyndon的哈士奇新利18苹果,来到地狱或高水位。

西班牙托罗小道:与疯子// adv骑手骑马

我承认,我觉得第二天早上抱着我的装备,这并不是因为啤酒拆除前一天晚上。Lyndon,彻底的国际大都会尚未造成明白的英国人,在安达卢西亚生活了十年,曾在西班牙南部和摩洛哥越野骑行之旅。After listening to his hilarious stories of accidentally entering the King’s private resort while attempting to ride the ski slopes in the Atlas Mountains in Morocco, various off-roading adventures and misadventures in Spain, and realizing I’ve met a madman on a mission to better the world through dirt biking, I concluded that Toro Trail, in essence, was a two-wheel refugee camp for lost souls seeking freedom, adventure, and serious abuse on gnarly local trails.

Having listened to Lyndon’s stories, I expected to be chased around some insanely technical single track, mercilessly put through my paces riding impossible terrain… and fail spectacularly: I’m an underwhelmingly mediocre rider, so facing a session with Lyndon aboard his sprightly Husqvarna 250’s, I felt anxiously unsure of myself. Still, I’d never pass an opportunity like that, and in the morning, as my partner and I showed up at the Toro Trail base, I braced for what was to come.

西班牙托罗小道:与疯子// adv骑手骑马

Toro Trail是一个令人惊叹的复合剧院,包括游泳池,举办船队的泥土和冒险自行车的梦想车库,以及附近的延期轨道。新利18苹果Lyndon住在网站上;他的楼下的起居区装饰有两辆摩托车,在早餐吧旁边停放,他的车库带内置的工作室让我流口水。简短的简短后,我们跳上哈士奇,并在林登宽阔的碎石路上击中了底层。

西班牙托罗小道:与疯子// adv骑手骑马

在蝙蝠吧,我意识到这不会成为我的预期。很多人都是优秀的骑手,但很少有令人惊叹的老师。Lyndon都是:而不是将我们的锚托锚 -有样学样,Lyndon首先带我们参加了碎土道路,看看我们是如何感受到的。留在我们俩的眼中,Lyndon沿着一段时间沿着每次停止的小径,给我们一些反馈和纠正坏习惯;由于我们从砾石道路进入狭窄的小径,山坡和陡峭的下降,我觉得我不仅仅是骑着哈士奇的荒谬的乐趣 - 我在这个过程中学习了一个吨。

西班牙托罗小道:与疯子// adv骑手骑马

Steep descents would usually instil a sense of terror in me, ending up in frantic stomping on the rear brake and half skidding, half tumbling down the hill, but with Lyndon’s advice and a calm, easy-going confidence peppered with jokes and cheers, I felt increasingly better as we wove our way through the countryside. Soon, we were off rolling across the rocky hills and chasing Lyndon on faster gravel roads, soaking up the tips and screaming our heads off with laughter during short breaks.

Towards the end of the ride, I felt like a duckling who’d thoroughly imprinted on Lyndon: I’ve gone on off-road training tours and sessions before, but Lyndon has an extraordinary knack of being encouraging, hysterically funny, and having an endless well of empathy all at the same time. You know you’re riding with a madman capable of some seriously gnarly stuff, and you’re going to be pushed to test your limits – but the push will be so gradual and gentle you won’t even realize it until you’re already doing better, and that’s Lyndon’s talent. That, plus the copious the doses of crazy stories and dry humour.

当然,我,我,我,我确实设法在最不可想而知的地方下车;在一个完美的宽阔的地方围着一条完美的宽阔的角落,我走过坦克只是一个太多失去了我的前轮,先潜入泥土,学习了一个有价值的教训,对我的拖拉机之间的差异感到思考在该过程中,麦克赖特DR650和轻量级HUSQVARNA 250。然而,一切都很顺利,但是,虽然我仍然欠Lyndon一个手提包,但我的手提包摧毁了我的壮观拆下,我们把它恢复到了一件上的Toro Trail基地,并尽职尽责地庆祝附近的城镇。

西班牙托罗小道:与疯子// adv骑手骑马

虽然我终于得到了我的自行车,我很快就会击球,我希望我能再次乘坐Lyndon,无论是西班牙还是在摩洛哥。一种具有一种善意的人的一种善意的体验 - 我觉得这不仅仅是我的山丘和脚踏板上的平衡,这也是我的灵魂。

