Europe’s got a lot to offer to motorcycle riders, but there’s more than Stelvio Pass and the French Alps out there.My own favorite spots in Europe are Greece, Northwestern Spain, Norway, and Romania.The four destinations below are still on my bucket list.

Amalfi Coast Road, Itlay

Italy is a must-see country in Europe and riding the Amalfi Coast Road, word has it, is like living a motorcycling dream.Spread between the towns of Sorrento and Salerno, the thirty-mile Amalfi Coast Road has a crazy amount of sweeping bends and dramatic scenery.The azure coastline of the Thyrrenian Sea, mountains and cliffs plunging down into the water, and the charming colorful towns scattered along the way is the best that Italy has to offer.


N-222, Portugal

How does 93 bends in 17 miles sound?Cutting right through the heart of Duoro Valley, the N-222 road is situated in the wine region of northern Portugal.The mountain scenery and the riding is so good that the road had been awarded as the world’s best road in 2015.Portugal is also Europe’s best-kept secret when it comes to off-road riding, so if you want to get your bike off the pavement, head south.

North Coast 500, Scotland

Scotland needs no introduction: with its breathtaking highland views, fantastic roads and diverse countryside, Scotland is one of the best motorcycling destinations in Europe.There’s castles, golf, and whiskey along the way, and for the ultimate riding experience in Scotland, North Coast 500 is your best choice.It might rain, but it’ll still be worth it.

Croatian Coastline

With its stunning coastal views, splendid mountain scenery and great roads, Croatia is is becoming more and more popular among motorcyclists.Over a thousand-mile-long coastline has so much to offer – from fantastic views, beautiful islands and great quality roads to excellent seafood – that Croatia might just become the next Italy soon.Right now, fuel, food, and accommodation are still cheap there, so hurry up and enjoy the best that Croatia can offer.


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