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然后,有Yamaha BW350。It wasn’t fast, it didn’t have razor-sharp handling, and you could certainly find dirt bikes for a lot less money. But if you wanted a big wheel dirt bike (areal大轮污垢自行车,而不是今天通过一个大轮的弱酱),然后BW350是他们最大的。


Today, when you hear about big wheel dirt bikes, manufacturers are just talking about smallish offroad machines with full-sized wheels, as opposed to smaller wheels intended for youth bikes (those kids have shorter legs, doncha know, so they need smaller wheels). But in the 1980s, a big wheel bike meant the manufacturer had designed the machine with massively wide rims that could mount ATV-sized tires. There were a few well-known offroad-only models along these lines, including three from Yamaha and one from Honda.


Yamaha的BW200在1985年开始举行一年,并于1989年出售。它由Wimpy 196 CC四冲程引擎提供动力。它肯定激发了两年后进入市场的TW200,但你永远不会将其中两人误认为并排;与T-DUB相比,BW具有巨大的轮子,并且底盘和车身也不同。然后,有BW80,这是一个相同模式的迷你版本。


And then, there was the BW350.

BW350使用了一个空气冷却的四冲程单缸350发动机,与Warrior ATV中使用的发动机相似(在那些日子里,有很多零件工程与Yamaha的较小位移摩托车一起使用)。它没有做出大量的力量,但它肯定比其他大轮自行车更多。



A very odd-looking bike, for sure, even without the fat tires. And check out that jackshaft arrangement on the swingarm. The BW350 required a dual-chain rear drive to transfer power around that massive rear wheel.


But just as the oversized front wheel could make cornering wonky, the rear wheel had its own capricious habits as well, as slick mud could leave the BW’s tail end wandering around wildly as it powered forward.

However, the coolest thing about a BW350 is that it just might be the ultimate snow bike. Yeah, we know about those track kit conversions for dirt bikes, but are thosereally摩托车,或一种奇怪的混合动力车与第二次世界大战半导道更有共同之处?



你可以感谢这些awesom犯人BigWheel先生e demonstrations of the BW350’s might. He hasn’t logged in here for a while, but you can see the excellent Big Wheel thread that he startedhere。You can find a lot more useful information there, as the thread is ongoing. There you can learn about all the wacky wonders of the BW350’s design, such as the dual-chain setup required to drive the rear wheel.

然后,有这个1987年BW350那advertised for sale on Cycle Trader. It’s in Florida (makes sense, it would demolish those sand trails), and the owner wants a cool $3,700. Oooooooh, that’s steep. But wait! The ad says it’s street legal!

如果这是真的,那是一个非常理想的功能,尽管购买后可能不一定会转移到您的管辖区内。这是另一个蠕虫的蠕虫。但是,如果你想要一个大型的大轮自行车,这就像它一样大量,越过当前的生产TW200和Suzuki Vanvan 200型号。你可以骑着它冬天......如果你敢。

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