

照片:凯特·墨菲(Kate Murphy)


快速免责声明:rev’it!给我这件夹克免费进行审查。但是,我一直是Rev’it的粉丝!装备很长一段时间,我买了他们(现在已长期存在的)“ X-Vent”裤子,作为我在2001年的第一件“真实”摩托车装备之一,因为我撞上了Chaps并吸取了教训。从那以后我从来没有notowned at least one piece of their gear, and I have never seen a reduction in quality. I’m not being paid to be effusive, here. That’s my actual experience and opinion.


都说,中位数夹克就是我所说的sport-casual, and meant neither for long tours nor the track. It features soft, buffalo leather construction on the front, back, and outsides of the arms. The insides of the arms, and sides of the jacket, are constructed of “PWRShell stretch.” This is a heavyweight but stretchy polyester that makes the leather jacket’s fit feel much more dynamic than it would otherwise. This jacket is comfortable right off the rack, and requires no break-in time at all.



照片:凯特·墨菲(Kate Murphy)

这件夹克没有通风口。我首先将其戴在新英格兰的几个寒冷(华氏50度)上,几天,几天70度和一对夫妇温暖的时期,然后没有它的热衬里。即使没有安装衬里,我在寒冷的天气中也很舒服。在70年代以北的任何东西,您都将(我确实)保持稳定的速度或风险过热。“ Pwrshell”弹性面板有点微风,但我不会称其为通风良好的外套。

Look and Fit


The jacket has no real fit adjustment except for small tabs at the waist. The cuffs only have short closure zippers. That’s not uncommon for a leather jacket, however; if you want a million little adjustment tabs you’ll need to stick to textile. It also has only a couple of tiny little reflective spots, on the shoulders. I couldn’t find any others. Not great for nighttime riding visibility.



照片:凯特·墨菲(Kate Murphy)

The front pockets, though, fit about half a phone. I’m not sure what you can fit in there. Maybe some paper money, a credit card, and a tube of chapstick, but probably not your earplug container. I understand that larger pockets would “ruin the lines” of the jacket (at least that’s what I hear any time I ask about pockets in women’s clothing). But if you’re looking for a bunch of usable pockets, you’re going to have to look elsewhere.

照片:凯特·墨菲(Kate Murphy)

Protection and Armor

Included protection comprises REV’IT!’s SEESMART CE Level 1 shoulder and elbow armor. The jacket doesn’t ship with a back protector, but it does include a pocket for REV’IT!’s CE Level 2 SEESOFT back protector, which I did install, and I barely notice it in there.

照片:凯特·墨菲(Kate Murphy)


The jacket ships with an 8″ zipper (that connects perfectly with my REV’IT! Tornado pants), a full 360-degree zipper, and also a couple of snap-loops to connect to your belt. You have options for keeping it in place.


关于装修的最后一个说明肯定属于这里。I’m going to blame the pandemic for my more-sedentary-than-usual lifestyle, but I currently teeter between a women’s size 12 and 14. While I am, like everyone else, working on getting rid of that newly-gained chub, I remain a bit alarmed that I am on the absolute upper edge of REV’IT!’s fitment. The companydoes not make any gear比我目前拥有的要大。您可能会看到,在这篇评论中的图片中,我是最大的夹克Rev’it!制作,我在那里有点塞满菜。虽然该公司是欧洲公司,但如果他们在美国市场上取得很大的成功,他们将不得不面对许多美国女子骑手的大小12岁以上的事实。就是说,他们的尺寸图是正确的,并且可以相信。订购前仔细测量自己。

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go do some situps….

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