

Dalton Highway, Alaska, USA


The highway is mostly used by freight trucks traveling to and from the Prudhoe Bay oilfields, but it is also popular with adventurous tourists seeking to experience the wild beauty of Alaska. The road is notoriously rugged, with no guardrails or shoulders, and is subject to extreme weather conditions.

Despite its challenges, the Dalton Highway is an unforgettable journey through some of the most stunning landscapes on Earth. Along the way, there are numerous opportunities to stop, camp and enjoy the scenery. The highway is also a great place to see wildlife, including caribou, moose, and bears, which sometimes can pop up in front of you out of nowhere.

到达那里:It’s no secret that Alaska is remote; to get there and ride is quite a journey in itself. The best place to land at is Anchorage, its capital city. and even from here straight to Fairbanks (the start of the Dalton Hwy) it’s another 350mi. The trip is worth it, since you’ll cruise by the highest peak in North America, Denali (20,310 ft), and you may even bump into (not literally I hope) a moose or two.


Iceland is a land of fire and ice, and there is no better way to explore its natural wonders than by motorcycle. The Ring Road is a national highway that circles the island, and it features some of the most dramatic scenery in Iceland. From lush green valleys to snow-capped mountain passes, the Ring Road has it all. But beware—the weather can change quickly in Iceland, and you never know when a summer storm will roll in.

冰岛的夏天是一个神奇的时期。日子很长,夜晚很短,风景简直令人叹为观止。对于摩托车爱好者来说,没有比在开阔道路上更好的地方了。冰岛环路(Iceland Ring Road)是一个完美的夏季旅程,沿途有很多停留,远足和观光。

到达那里:由于它是北大西洋中部的一个岛屿,因此到达那里的最佳方法是雷克雅未克飞行并从可用的许多租赁场所之一租用。如果您想在那里骑自行车,唯一的选择是从丹麦乘坐渡轮,这两天后将带您到达法罗群岛。渡轮,由Smyril line,,,,is apparently quite nice, but not the cheapest.

The Scottish Highlands might not have the same high profile as other ADV destinations, but the roads are great, there are green laning opportunities, and also the option of wild camping. And look a the hilly terrain on that map. That means good riding! If you’re really ambitious, you can even get on a ferry and check out the offshore islands. Image: Google Maps





Here are a few things to keep in mind when planning a motorcycle trip to the Scottish Highlands:
– The weather can be unpredictable, so pack accordingly.
- 在高峰季节可能会拥挤的路线,因此每天早点开始并预订渡轮。
– There are plenty of places to stop along the way, so take your time and enjoy the journey.


The Alps dominate southern Europe, and if you get tired of the fantastic riding there (unlikely), they’re surrounded by several smaller mountain ranges with their own thrills. Image: Google Maps


每年夏天,骑摩托车的人从欧洲各地ake their pilgrimage to the Alps. The region is serviced by 4,200 km (2,600 mi) of roads used by six million vehicles per year and the tarmac is pretty much the best it gets, in terms of grip. All sorts of motorists and cycling enthusiasts visit the most famous passes to spend the day in the sun and to enjoy a delicious meal. The Alps mountain range touches five countries and, as there are no borders in Europe, it is quite easy to ride from one to the other.



到达那里:You can access the Alps from all over Europe, so pick a country and start there!


昆士兰州的Daintree Forest是享受摩托车夏季旅行的理想场所。温暖的天气和漫长的日子使其非常适合在开阔的道路上度过时光,并且有很多有趣的地方可以探索。昆士兰州最受欢迎的旅游目的地之一是丹特里森林(Daintree Forest)。这款亚热带雨林是动植物生活中令人难以置信的多样性的所在地,很容易看出为什么它是如此受欢迎的目的地。但是,游客应该意识到,森林也是一些危险的野生动植物的家园,包括鳄鱼和蛇。也要注意CassoWaries!

到达那里:You’ve got to get to Australia first, mate, unless you already live there! So: Maybe you should tack this on to an AustralAsian tour?

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