如果你曾经在网上订购了摩托车零件,chances are you’re aware of US-based BikeBandit. What you might not know is, the e-retail pioneer is now going through bankruptcy proceedings, and there are some serious and troubling questions raised after BikeBandit customers paid for parts or gift cards, and did not receive them, after the bankruptcy proceedings started.


但是,根据《 Jalopnik》的这篇文章,该文章参考了破产诉讼文件,最近几个月,许多其他摩托车手在Bikebandit上遇到了麻烦,现在该公司欠他们数十万。根据法院文书工作,许多客户最近几个月已在BikeBandit网站上下达订单,并且没有收到他们所支付的费用。Bikebandit于2022年2月申请破产,但直到4月的某个时候,据称该公司仍在其网站上下达的订单付款,但其中许多订单尚未发货。根据法院文件:

While additional discovery is needed, there is already ample evidence that the Debtor’s sworn bankruptcy papers filed in the case are factually untrue in material respects. Many creditors were omitted from the Debtor’s sworn bankruptcy papers. For example, all of Debtor’s consumer creditors, many (possibly thousands) of whom deposited money with the Debtor that the Debtor later absconded with and others who purchased gift cards or earned “points” in a rewards program Debtor operated prepetition are altogether omitted from the Debtor’s sworn bankruptcy papers.



为了进一步检查这笔交易的财务复杂性,包括关于为什么自行车的问题真正破产的问题(文书工作说这是有债务,但显然欠公司所有者欠债务?),您应该阅读Jalopnik文章。就其价值而言,多年来,在论坛上对BikeBandit受到了很多批评 - 请参阅这里,,,,这里,,,,这里,最近,这里。当然,总是有任何在线业务遵循的抱怨和批评,但是这种不良氛围云一直在公司遵循多年,而且似乎现在已经成为头脑。

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