几个月前,我有机会与John Casebeer联系,创始人机动。Motool制作了这个漂亮的小工具,即懒惰的人,使您可以微调悬架;约翰给我自己尝试该工具,我很容易同意。


I’d installed a fully custom TFX Suspension set up on my bike, and while the ability to adjust the suspension as needed – for on-road, off-road, loaded bike, unloaded bike, and so on – I sometimes forget how I set it. Is it too hard? Too soft? Going by feeling is sometimes enough, but for a more accurate preload setting, it’s handy to measure the sag. And that’s precisely what the Slacker does: you attach it to your axle bolt, hook the line to your seat, place the wireless Slacker monitor on your handlebars, and voila – you can now see the sag measurements with the wheel off the ground, with you sitting on the bike, and/or with you plus luggage or passenger on the bike.


At a price point of $159, the Slacker isn’t the cheapest option, but if you need to adjust your suspension often, if you sometimes ride with a passenger, or if you own multiple bikes, it’s a great tool to have in your garage. There’s also a free Slacker app available where you can store all your notes and settings on the cloud, making it easier to remember what you did last time – if, like me, you tend to forget which setting you used, this could be a lifesaver.



