有人问我最近我有没有真正过,真正糟糕的时刻 - 最糟糕的忠诚时刻 - 在我七年的摩托车和冒险旅行中。新利18苹果“我想回家/戒烟/传送自我,温暖和干燥/再也不会上一辆自行车/到底是什么,我甚至在这里做”那种坏;你发现自己质疑你的生活选择的那种 - 很难 - 你希望你没有在那个马鞍上摆动腿。


当然,这是,是的,是的。我在黑暗,低温和迷失方向的高中陷入了暴风雪;在玻利维亚的沙质洞里陷入困境,没有水供应;在Tierra del Fuego的下雪山通行证中完全放弃了;几乎在科罗拉多州的TAT上飞走了一个悬崖;在拉力赛期间无可救药地困扰着泥泞的泥土;幸存下来的登革热,两次;以持久的震荡结束了沟渠侧面;以及更多。我已经在恐怖天气和地形日期和周周,烧焦的离合器和棘手的情况下享有公平的份额,而且似乎没有什么似乎肯定了。 I’m not being dramatic; it’s just part of life on the road, and it’s all good.


但它并不是真的关于最难以时刻that happen. Most of the time, it’s about how you react to them and what you choose to do afterwards. I remember a fellow rider telling me about that one time he had a flat and no idea how to fix it; he was somewhere in Central Asia and had to change the tire, but had no help and no clue. He did, in the end, change the tire, mostly by trial and error, using the few basic tools he had – but it took him nearly five hours. You could look at the situation and think, wow, being stuck somewhere in Central Asia with a flat you don’t know how to fix sounds horrible and hopeless. My friend, however, chose to look at it as a victory instead. “Yeah, it took me nearly five hours because I’d never changed a tire before, but I DID change it and for me, this was the best feeling ever even if I ended up riding in the dark, and in the morning, I saw that I actually put the tire the wrong direction on. None of that mattered, though. I did it, and it felt like a huge achievement”, he told me.


我有完全同样的感觉,当我在南巴拉贡尼尼亚的某个地方跑出天然气和意志力时,我不得不在沟渠道路的一边打开帐篷;或者,我有一次在阿根廷没钱;或者一次我几乎没有因为严重的体温过低而制造它。每一个糟糕的情况,每一个事故和不幸,每次意外和每个漏气轮胎都是课程,而不是惩罚。并肯定,每当困扰发生的事情时,我都很诱人举办自怜派对(每次都有暴雨和400英里仍然可以)。但自怜不仅仅是丑陋,这是令人难以置信的不生产。所有它都是创造隧道愿景,并抓住你做出选择和决定的能力。恐慌。另一个是矿业博物馆指南和登山者的朋友曾告诉我,如果你发现自己在野外危险的情况下,你需要做的最重要的事情就是平静下来。如果你摔断了一条腿,没有忘记丢失,没有在黑暗前回来 - 无论发生什么,关键是坐下,深深地呼吸,冷静下来。 “When you begin to panic you make very poor choices”, she said to me before adding, “my most vital item I carry with me on every hike or climbing expedition is a flask of tea. If I get into a potentially dangerous situation, that flask is my cue to sit down and have a sip so that I can calm myself breathe normally, and evaluate the situation with a calm, focused mind”.

这适用于冒险摩托车,并尽可能多地新利18苹果旅行到登山。如果您正在进行长途摩托车旅行,则会发生坏事。这是保证的。你正在考虑的一些“何时思考”,以及一些完全意外的东西,some silly stuff和一些可怕的东西 - 是的,所有这一切都将会发生。问题是,你将如何对他们做出反应?



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