This isn't rocket science,but just maybe something you hadn't thought of…

Its that time again,weathers warming or warmed up,flys are around,be it mosquitoes,black fly,bees,wasps,etc you get the idea.

The absolute top 5 worst areas I've found around the planet where all variation of flys have been Alaska,Siberia,Mongolia,Scotland,and Labrador.I know you can tell me worse places?

If any of the above is on your,‘to ride list this year',or anywhere else come to that,that's known for flying pests,do your self a favor and get a fly head net/ mesh…but take your helmet with you when you go to buy it.

I ride mostly with an MX/ ADV style helmet and goggles in the dirt and an ADV helmet on a bigger bike with a windshield with the visor up and sunglasses on.

In bug-ridden areas,they just get in the helmet,sometimes when riding but always when you stop for a minute or two.And how about when you stop at the end of the day to set up camp…do they go right in your ears too?

A head net is an answer obviously,but one that fits over your helmet,its a very simple basic tip but might stop you going insane when that bug is taking the direct route to your ear cavity…now it can't.You can just ride in comfort,stop in comfort,set up camp in your helmet (if need be) in comfort

how I wear it,below,but you could just as easily put it over your head then put your helmet on,do what works best for you

…and a little extra tip,if Labrador is on your list the black fly there are hardcore and a lot of people are allergic to their bite…I'm included in that list.

When you buy that head net,get the absolute finest mesh you can buy.When I was there the mesh stopped the mosquitoes,but the black fly could fit through because they are tiny.I replaced with the one shown above for $2

To clean just put it under running water at the end of the day

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