发言人正在回落一些Northumbria警察和犯罪专员(PCC)金麦克宁‘s earlier statements. In an email response to ADVRider.com, the Commissioner’s representative said:


“一个选择是追踪器安装制造ers on certain bikes, or bikers encouraged to use one voluntarily, to help with recovery of any stolen bikes and deter their use. This was not a suggestion for all bikes. This talking point was in the very early stages – it’s about exploring the idea, consulting with experts and opening up conversation, which has certainly been done.

“Hopefully the biking community has other suggestions, which the office would be happy to hear. For information, we’re also looking at trialling drones to track the small minority of people using motorbikes dangerously on pavements in residential areas and are exploring the idea of a dedicated off-road riding area to give people a specific course to use instead.”

McGuinness’s green light for trackers

However, according to theNorthumberland Gazette那the Commissioner was urgingPolicing Minister Kit Malthouseto give them the green light to allow for tracker devices to be fitted to all motorcycles so their whereabouts and speed can be monitored. Even the Northumbria PCC’s own website previously indicated that trackers should be fitted to all motorbikes. This webpage has now been taken down.


A screengrab of the now removed Northumbria Police & Crime Commissioner’s website stated, “Kim is urging Policing Minister Kit Malthouse to give the green light to allow for tracker devices to be fitted to all motorbikes so their whereabouts and speed can be monitored.”

New backdated webpage

Replacing the now removed webpage is a new statement on the Northumbria PCC’s website. It is dated 25th March 2021, although it was not posted until 15th April 2021.

New webpage content

此前,Northumbria PCC的网站明确表示,麦克林女士想要所有摩托车上的跟踪人员。但现在这种职位似乎发生了巨大的变化,虽然新的一个仍然非常令人不安。

The new webpage now says:



These proposals caused concern to some law-abiding bikers, and we’d like to make clear that we are now working with motorcycle groups to look at more acceptable proposals.



A screengrab of the new webpage on Northumbria Police & Crime Commissioner’s website is still dated 25th March 2021 and is a drastic departure from the page taken down by the PCC.

Change of position

The new webpage is drastically different from the page it replaces, and many might argue quite misleading. It is quite concerning that a governmental agency charged with policing would backdate a position that is so drastically different than what was previously posted. That the date was not updated is very suspicious.

诺福利亚Kim McGuinness and Northumbria Winton Keenan

诺福利亚PCC Kim McGuinness and Northumbria Chief Constable Winton Keenan.




Unfortunately, it’s clear that Commissioner McGuinness was not “exploring” the idea of trackers being fitted to only off-road motorbikes. Their own website and many news outlets reported that Commissioner McGuinness directly urged “…Policing Commissioner Kit Malthouse to give them the green light to allow for tracker devices to be fitted to all motorbikes so their whereabouts and speed can be monitored.” That’s in no way an exploration of an idea to fit trackers, it’s a direct request to a higher-level official who could be in the position to influence legislators.




Well, that’s quite interesting. The Commissioner’s original position was that the use of trackers was warranted because of:

“…resident concerns of bike-related anti-social behavior.”


ADVRider.com’s questions answered?

As for the list of questions we submitted to the Commissioner, we received a “non-answer” reply. Although cordial, the response provided no answers to our questions.



Some of the coverage I’ve seen so far seems to be speculating that the PCC is about to introduce these measures. This is not the case, the PCC has no power to do this.

McGuinness can’t make law



Any good news?

如果有来自Northumbria PCC新利18苹果下载的任何好消息,那么他们现在说他们正在与摩托车团体合作。



但至少现在,Northumbria CPP可能已经听过了我们。如果我们把它们带到他们的话,他们说潜在的越野自行车将被追踪。尽管如此,对于所述问题来说,这是一个不可接受的“解决方案”。他们需要更好的解决方案,我们应该帮助他们到达他们。因为很清楚,Northumbria PCC不了解摩托车界。


我们再次致力于委托麦克林和Northumbria PCC来澄清他们的新职位。如果他们回应,我们会告诉你他们所说的话。在临时,重要的是要仔细监测Northumbria PCC计划的进展情况。

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