


在2019年年底和2020年年初之间一个相当短的时间里,我设法土地头第一,让自己脑震荡 - 两次。第一次是在特兰西瓦尼亚去年夏天,培训,跳,其中超过雅马哈WR250的酒吧突然不自主飞行给我留下了扭伤右手和轻微脑震荡。To top it off, I had no time to relax and rest back then – I needed to ride my bike to Poland and get on a flight to Ecuador for my first-ever women’s bike tour, so there simply was no time to stay still and recover. The first few days in the saddle weren’t exactly fun but, because the concussion was mild, I made it to Poland just fine, and by the time I got to Quito, I’d already forgotten all about it.




今年三月,我进入HISPANIA拉力赛上,我终于找到了,不仅跟上包,但超车乡亲,太欢乐,并在那里我得到的是什么样子的一次集会中,要在流动的味道。不幸的是,我也得到的是什么感觉接触到河床的一个角落里太热,右飞入了一堆岩石,并粉碎你的上一个锋利的巨石腿,自行车登陆你上面味道。灼热的疼痛是如此糟糕的影响,我确信我会打破了腿;我甚至不能动它,更别说站起来,所以我只是在床上躺了几分钟,思考着人生的选择导致了这一刻。However, little by little, I started wiggling the leg, another competitor helped lift the bike off me, and although I couldn’t put full weight on it, I managed to finish the stage – and the rally – by simply shifting the weight onto the right leg and footpeg more. It did hurt, and I do have a weird, deep dent in my left thigh now, but the leg is fully functional and the muscle will eventually recover.


所以你有它:在三个不同的国家举行三个坠毁在不到一年的时间。而这只是去年持平;I have also survived dengue fever twice, crashed both off-road and on tarmac while riding Bolivia and Peru, crashed multiple times during the Hellas Rally spraining my clutch hand badly, and gotten into a traffic accident in Colombia – and I’m still around.

运气?当然;但是,让我们面对现实吧,这些东西可能,而你骑你的本地路径或道路很好的事情也正在发生。而实际的情况是典型的要远比未知的那么可怕“有什么关系?”。As long as you have your travel insurance – something like World Nomads – and, if you’re racing, your racing insurance, as long as you ride conservatively when you’re completely alone, and as long as you get plenty of rest, don’t ride in the dark, and make sure your bike’s in a good shape, you should be more than fine. Yes, the fact that an accident may happen abroad may seem a little intimidating, but the reality is, most countries around the world have pretty decent and developed medical services, and if you’re carrying your satellite tracker device, you’re more or less covered.


