If you’ve ever suffered through a long ride with cold wet hands, you know how miserable it can be. Over the years, there have been several supposed solutions including “waterproof” gloves, bigger brush guards with wings, and similar. One of the solutions was a large mitten type cover that attached to the bike and which covered your hand completely. Called河马哈nds™, the solution was good if not a bit ungainly.

ALCAN Hippo Hands

The maximum coverage ALCAN Hippo Hands.

New Hippo Hands™ designs

But now, Hippo Hands® is back with new owners and three new designs. The new Hippo Hands have been in development since 2015 and there are now applications for motorcycles, ATVs, and snow bikes.

Brian Miller, Hippo Hands’ President said:

“We’ve beefed up the design all around to hold their shape while riding seated or standing on the pegs. These new Hippo Hands are warmer and more repellent to adverse weather, but still protective against chilling winds and rain in any season. Everyone who has tried the newly designed product loves them and ends up using them more often than first realized and in lieu of heavier, clunky gloves.”

河马哈nds’ new owners say the new models are more “stylish” and have better engineering than their predecessors. The new Hippo Hands are no longer only for wet winter riding. The new model designs are said to allow three-season riding.

河马哈nds Rogue

The Rogue, mid-size Hippo Hands™.


The redesign now enables riders to wear lighter-weight gloves in cooler weather. According to Hippo Hands, the use of a lighter-weight glove allows better tactile grip and more control of the bars and levers.

Each pair now features embedded 3M® reflective panels, HippoSkin™ reinforced protective, water-shedding technology, and HippoFat™. HippoFat™ has a durable yet flexible closed-cell foam-insulated construction for added warmth in cold and wet conditions. In addition, five-ply nylon thread protects against UV light degradation and resists mildew.

河马哈nds Backcountry

The Backcountry Model is the enduro and dirt bike version of Hippo Hands™.

Because of the new design and construction, Hippo Hands™ offers a 5-year warranty. The new Hippo Hands™ are available at Hippo Hand’s website as wells as through select powersports dealers. Hippo Hands™ pricing starts at $109.95 for the Backcountry model and rises to $159.95 for a Ducati Multistrada specific model.

All photo credit:河马哈nds

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