达喀尔2021阶段5阶段,再一次,到处都是:205公里的联络和456公里特别花费了很多骑手时间,因为棘手的导航和严厉的地形。Kevin Benavides(本田)今天赢得了舞台,首先将他放在一般排名中。贝纳维德在舞台期间遭遇了糟糕的崩溃,但继续推动:“这对我来说是一个非常艰难的一天。在开始时,我迷路了像所有的骑手,但之后,我开始推动了很多。在一个大的沙丘上,我跳了起来,因为我用前轮撞到另一个大的一个。我敲了头,打破了GPS和一切。我也削减了自己,开始失去了很多血。我的脚踝周围也有一些痛苦。到底,我继续推动很多痛苦,所以,是的,今天对我来说真的很难。我的鼻子坏了,我打破了头盔,真的很难。 I think I’ll be okay for tomorrow. I’m in pain, but it will be ok. I also tried to push on the last part to win some time, but it was hard and there was a lot of pain today. But it’s like that, this is the Dakar”, the Argentinian said after the stage finish.

Dakar 2021:第5阶段证明了困难,对ASO的更多投诉

他今天并不孤单:西班牙人Joan Barreda,9日,他进来的,也承认了今天的舞台非常野蛮。“今天是一个非常艰难的阶段,真的很难。物理上最苛刻的一个。在最后一节中,有很多沙丘,也在开始时有很多棘手的导航“,巴提巴共享。

今天的第二和第三是法国Xavier du Soultrait(Husqvarna)和Jose Ignacio Cornejo(本田),托比价格(KTM)和Sam Sunderland(KTM)分为第三和第四个。美国私人Skyler Howes今天结束了7日,把他安排在一般排名中。Ricky Brabec今天于12日来到了现在,现在是整体排名的14日。

Botswanan Kalahari Ferrari Ross Branch现在是8号。


随着比赛达到中途的观点,更多的竞争对手是对他们对集会组织的投诉。阿德鲁短暂的几天前退出了导致雅马哈向FIM提交投诉,因为它已经缩短了(以及其他几个其他竞争对手的)燃料被污染,并且在自行车被运输到Bivouac之后,他的坦克里发现了两升水。今天,Dakar Legend Sebastien Loeb叫做比赛管家“无能”在一个5分钟的速度罚球中,他觉得他不值得:

“多年来,你一直在认识我一点,我很少露面。但今晚,我需要与您分享这样一个神话事件的管家小组作为达喀尔集会的无能。我们刚刚受到5分钟的惩罚,超过受控区的速度限制。在我所有的参与过程中,在所有阶段和所有速度控制区域期间,我一直以最好的方式尊重这一规则。唯一的条件是,通过警报,GPS系统会告诉我们这些“不可见”区域。今天,在我们受到惩罚的这个区域,当我们进入区域时,警报没有发出声音。所以我不能及时减慢。In spite of our explanations but especially in spite of the GPS system provider’s admission of a problem with his equipment in our car today (something that can happen of course), the jury of stewards didn’t want to know anything and decided, sitting loosely behind his desk with the only risk of spilling his coffee when we risk our lives every day in the car, to impose a penalty much higher than what this GPS ‘bug’ made us save … About 2 to 3 seconds by being generous. I am a passionate person but I am above all a competitor. And today, if I am on a race like the Dakar, it is, first of all, to achieve what I am employed for: to sign a result that is worthy of the team’s ambitions and worthy of my ambitions. And for that, there is no room for incompetence or incompetents”, Loeb posted on his Instagram after the stage. The penalty had cost him falling back to the seventh position overall.




pos。 Exp。 驾驶团队 标记模型 时间 变化 坏性
1 47.
(arg) Kevin Benavides.
怪物能源本田队2021队 05H 09'50“
2 4. 怪物能源本田队2021队 05H 10'50“ + 00h 01'00“
3. 3.
(AUS) 托比价格
红牛KTM工厂队 05H 11'10“ + 00h 01'20“
4. 15.
(esp) Lorenzo Santolino
Sherco工厂 05H 12'19“ + 00h 02'29“
5. 5.
(GBR) 山姆桑德兰
红牛KTM工厂队 05H 14'07“ + 00h 04'17“
6. 12. HT RAIL RAID Husqvarna Racing 05H 17'45“ + 00h 07'55“
7. 9.
(美国) Skyler Howes.
Bas Dakar KTM赛车队 05H 20'33“ + 00h 10'43“
8. 52. 红牛KTM工厂队 05H 20'53“ + 00h 11'03“
9. 18.
(BWA) 罗斯分支机构
怪物能源雅马哈集会团队 05H 20'55“ + 00h 11'05“
10. 2
(CHL) Pablo Quintanilla.
Rockstar Energy Husqvarna工厂赛车 05H 22'05“ + 00h 12'15“
11. 11.
(SVK) Stefan Svitko.
斯洛维纳队集会团队 05H 23'29“ + 00h 13'39“
12. 1
(美国) ricky brabec.
怪物能源本田队2021队 05H 24'02“ + 00h 14'12“
13. 77.
(arg) Luciano Benavides.
Rockstar Energy Husqvarna工厂赛车 05H 24'13“ + 00h 14'23“
14. 22.
(Pol) Maciej Giemza.
奥林队 05H 25'40“ + 00h 15'50“
15. 21.
(AUS) 丹尼尔桑德斯
KTM工厂团队 05H 25'51“ + 00h 16'01“
16. 74.
(esp) jaume betriu
FN Speed - KTM团队 05H 28'17“ + 00h 18'27“
17. 88. 怪物能源本田队2021队 05H 29'01“ + 00h 19'11“
18. 6.
(arg) 佛朗哥凯利
怪物能源雅马哈集会团队 05H 34'24“ + 00h 24'34“
19. 31.
(CZE) 马丁米歇尔克
猎户座 - Moto Racing Group 05H 37'03“ + 00h 27'13“
20. 24. 英雄Motosports团队集会 05H 40'14“ + 00h 30'24“


