
His death served as a major impetus to the creation of effective crash helmets (which is another story), quite apart from cementing the hagiography of Lawrence of Arabia. But there is some confusion about the bike or bikes involved. He owned eight Brough Superiors, although supposedly the eighth was still being assembled at the factory in Nottingham when he crashed the seventh, George VI. Why was the seventh bike called the sixth? Simply because Lawrence had named his first Brough ‘Boanerges’, a name derived from the Amharic to mean ‘The Thunderer’.

One of the modern SS100s.

为了迎合他的5'5” 谦虚高度,他有乔治六世的坦克修改,以便它可以容纳一个降低座椅和出厂前就已安装在他的要求定制的提手。

一个故事在英国报纸《每日电讯报》,新利18苹果下载which really should have known better, also noted that “With a nod to his duty as an enlisted aircraftman (read his story, it is fascinating), serving at RAF Mount Batten near Plymouth, he also requested that a small receptacle be clamped to the nearside lower section of the front forks, to secure the tip of his military swagger stick.” Enlisted aircraftman John Hume Ross with a swagger stick? I don’t think so. He would, however, have been entitled to a swagger stick in his other persona as Colonel Lawrence CB DSO.

The Telegraph also insists, with perhaps more credibility, that the motorcycle on which Lawrence suffered his fatal crash was not George VI. Was it George VII, supposedly still being assembled in Nottingham? I am sorry to say that I do not know.

The Pendine Sands is the Brough Superior I would choose.

“这是值得注意的是,被误显示UL 656的这台机器的注册号的电影道具是演员彼得·奥图尔骑在大卫·里恩的1962年的传记片‘阿拉伯的劳伦斯’的开始,”该报说。新利18苹果下载“这应该是GW 2275,对应于更新的SS 100新型,乔治六世在1932年3月部分交换,并在劳伦斯三年后持续的致命伤,4​​6岁”

Colonel Lawrence died less than 90 years ago, and already we can’t agree on the facts. What we can agree on is that Brough Superior is back.


Paul D’Orléans, one of my favourite commentators on matters of classic bikes, writing in the Motorcycle Arts Foundation production ‘The Vintagent’ about George Brough, notes that “the renown of the Brough Superior is a reflection of several qualities George possessed in abundance: he was a superb rider, one of the best motorcycle stylists in the history of the industry, and equally important, he was simply a genius at PR.”

Nowhere was the last of these qualities more obvious than in his adoption of the phrase “Rolls Royce of Motorcycles”, coined not by Brough but by journalist HD Teague of ‘The Motorcycle’ magazine. Brough was so taken by this that he started using it in his advertising, which did not please the ‘other’ Rolls-Royce. They intended to send a cease-and-desist to protect their brand image, but Brough invited a company representative to come and visit the factory.


It would not have been especially difficult for the Brough ‘factory’ to be presented that way; it appears that it did not manufacture much of anything. Parts, including entire drivetrains, were specified by George Brough and then farmed out to be fine-tuned and finally assembled at the Hayden Road works in Nottingham.


在完全过顶的特别版AMB 001。

这么多的历史布拉夫高级。这个品牌已经复出三个SS100车型,纯醇”超级体育(SS100)符合欧3合规性和Pendine沙赛车;另一个SS100(推测与后顺应性);和周年纪念版。再有就是在AMB 001这不是SS100s的升级版;它是一种全新的设计 - 由蒂埃里·亨丽埃特,谁也设计了其他的摩托 - 与阿斯顿·马丁汽车。这是涡轮增压具有独特的底盘和你不能骑它的道路上。



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