This guest post was kindly contributed by Wetrider.

It’s nice to know who you’re riding with.


我们即将在华盛顿州的20号高速公路向东走出山弗农,开往北瀑布公路。光转向,我们起飞,哈雷盖伊领先 - 没意见。我们有直两车道数英里到达光辉的曲线,交通重前。我讨厌穿越群山在装袋速度爬行,但在平地也没在意。

But what’s this?! Harley guy was drifting back and forth over our lane. Scuffing in new tires? I drifted back, keeping lane-right. Harley Guy slowed, sped-up, slowed – up and down 12 or 15 mph each time. Cars on the busy road would get way ahead and he’d goose it. To hear his straight-pipes? Maybe he’s stoned. Just hateful? It forced me and drivers behind to back off, quickly occasionally, then he’d run steady until we’d pick up the pace and close the gap, then he’d back off again.




Never saw that clown again but the experience got me thinking about how desirable it is to know who you’re riding with. That was the second time in recent memory another rider made my ride too risky – one I’d agreed to ride with!


Strangers’ bikes on a Puget Sound ferry

He was a new neighbor with a UJM 700. Upon learning I rode, he suggested we take a little ride together, so on a nice day we rode a few miles through town, across a bridge, past farms & fields and stopped in a public park where we pulled our helmets off.

I ride easily in towns and deer country. When he took the lead, he shot off riding ten-over everywhere. Stop signs said “yield,” maybe. He rides like he’s in The Brotherhood, where I save my hot-shoeing for empty back roads, race tracks, the dirt.

A half-minute after we stopped in the park, just long enough for me to put on my shades, he all of a sudden jammed his helmet on and took off!

What th…??!


They weren’t meant to go over glasses and the strong elastic pulled my shades hard against my right eye. It hurt like hell. Determined to stick with my riding partner, I thought I’d fix it at a stop sign in a couple of minutes.

He didn’t stop at the sign. He accelerated hard onto a long country road straight, and like a dummy, I gunned it after him and caught up just as he passed a car. Moving well, I swung out to pass too, got up to the car’s left front as my neighbor pulled back into the right lane, staying next to the centerline, and just as I was about to swing right, he slowed directly in front of the car and shut the door on me. I had no place to go and we were about to enter a long blind curve.

The driver quickly slowed to make room, thankfully, and that was that. I thought.




Strangers’ bikes on a Puget Sound ferry

But, you can’t always pick who you ride with. Coming off crowded ferry boats, all riders leave together. You can only hope the guy close in front of you can handle the wet steel ramp, and there’s another riding inches from your elbow.




他们太慢了我,但我是一个年轻的上班族与那些家伙一定是什么样子小丑自行车一个漂亮的女孩。最后,我到地狱说用它 - 我不打算继续沿着慢条斯理地通过每一个曲线看菜刀火花路面。我们没有时间停下来,同时,也没有备用路由。

I gunned it, passed as many as I could on a short straight, slowed, nodded to the right and the pack made room for me. A guy nodded back and I slid in among `em. When it was clear, I pulled out with a wave ‘so-long’ and goosed it passed a bunch more. They made room again as we approaching another curve. The next pass got me by the rest. With a wave, we vanished into the distance – or a cloud of blue smoke.

I still grin at the thought of that picture: All those choppers, extended forks, long hair flying – and sticking up in the middle of the pack the couple from a Honda ad in bright white helmets on a funny bike.

I guess because that and other rides with strangers have worked out, I never gave a second thought to riding with strangers – until fairly recently. Now with my right eye a constant reminder, I’m extra watchful when invited to ride with anybody I don’t know – and I never just assume we should stick together.


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