If you're planning a longer trip on your bike,you'll probably encounter all sorts of weather and climate.It's impossible to plan for everything,so just like with your riding suit,you want your gloves to be as versatile as possible,so you don't have to stuff your panniers with extras.

Here are options for the best ADV gloves for all seasons.

Going Light

A simple solution,especially if you'll spent most of your time riding in hot,dry desert areas,is to just wear motocross style gloves – something like this pair of Thor Reboundmitts.They're simple,lightweight,easy to wash,and allow for maximum comfort and feedback while riding,especially off-road.For those colder,wetter days,just pack a pair of dishwashing gloves if you're on the budget or get a pair ofHydromatic waterproof glovesthat you can put over your thin Thors.

Choosing Mid-Range

If motocross gloves seem too flimsy to you,your next best bet is mid-range,lightweight,but reinforced short gloves like theRev'It!Cayenne Pro,or theAlpinestars Mustang V2.They aren't waterproof,but they're sturdier than motocross gloves and offer more protection while still being soft and flexible enough for everyday riding.

Going for Serious Hand Armor

If,on the other hand,you're going someplace cold,towards high altitude,or bad weather,a heavily functional and waterproof glove is what you're after.Something like theKlim 新利18苹果Adventure GTXwillkeep your hands well protected from weather and anything else the journey might throw your way.

Another example of tough,weather-proof armor for your hands is theseRukka Imatra GoreTex 手套。Heavily reinforced and waterproof,yet soft and incorporating such features as touchscreen fingertips on index and thumb fingers,they will endure months of serious use and abuse in any weather and conditions.

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