尽管欧洲大部分地区目前无国界的感谢Schengen Zone和欧盟的,还有几个国家的边界​​,在巴尔干大部分。在我狂奔去的海拉斯拉力赛在希腊,我要过波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那,黑山和阿尔巴尼亚。如果您需要去希腊,不想去通过巴尔干地区,有一个简单的解决方案:从意大利渡轮。一个人从意大利巴里帕特雷一个摩托车渡轮旅行,希腊大约是$ 150无舱和大约$ 350与Anneke线客舱(价格可能取决于季节,出发/目的端口和轮渡线)。我想看看克罗地亚和巴尔干地区,虽然,然而简单地说,所以我选择了刚刚穿越。尽管大多数巴尔干边境口岸是相当痛苦,有保险的问题,不同的国家不同的对待它。




正如你可以看到,波黑(BIH),阿尔巴尼亚(AL)和黑山(跨国公司)在我的政策划掉。如果你正在为你的欧洲欧盟绿卡保险,有机会,您的保单长得一模一样。(如果您是在美国/加拿大镀自行车,需要绿卡,接触从莱斯利Stara Elena- 她安排120欧元欧盟自行车保三个月)。


Since I couldn’t find how to buy Bosnian insurance online and had to cross about 15km of Bosnia trying to get to Dubrovnik, Croatia (there is a tiny gap of Bosnia between the Croatian towns of Klek and Dubrovnik on the Adriatic coast), I figured I’d just go and see if I can get insurance on the border.毕竟,我只需要它约十五分钟过波斯尼亚的那个条子,并重新回到克罗地亚。最坏的情况,我能回头和跳从普洛切到特尔帕尼渡轮,骑半岛避免波斯尼亚干脆。








保险代理人明确放弃了在试图写我的名字,但我真的不能认为反对他。让我黑山保险后,我回去了 to the border officer, showed him this piece of paper, got my passport back, and was waived through.

The views were worth it:



This was my last Balkan country before Greece.I expected a similar procedure of buying local insurance as in Montenegro but entering Albania, they only asked for my passport, and I was waived through.Since I only planned to spend one day in the country, I didn’t insist on getting Albanian insurance, although technically I should have.Either way, I crossed most of Albania in one day and ended up in Saranda, a beautiful beach town 40km away from the Greek border.


Leaving Albania was as hassle-free as entering.The border guard asked for my passport, then told me to get off the bike and hand him the bike papers.After a quick look at my registration, he poked at my panniers but didn’t ask to open them or search them, and a few minutes later, I was good to go to Greece.

Albania is an incredibly beautiful country, especially inland where the mountains are a little like the Scottish highlands.There’s plenty of road and off-road riding, great food, and the people love tourists.The roads are somewhat empty but don’t be tempted to open the throttle too wide as often, there are sheep and cows on the road with their shepherds sitting on the ground and playing Candy Crush Saga on their phones.Albanians told me local hotels are overwhelmed as travelers are now discovering that the Adriatic coast is just as beautiful here as in Croatia, but twice cheaper.I also learned to say “thank you” in Albanian (“faleminderit” – probably the longest word for “thanks” I know!).

At the Greek border, I expected to just show my passport and breeze through, but the guards asked me to park the bike and get off.Uh oh, I thought, will they want to search my stuff because I’m coming in from Albania?..

“We couldn’t figure out whether this was a DR or a KLR, so we had to stop you”, they said, looking at the bike.Whew.After a short discussion about KLRs and DRs – turns out, Greek border officers all ride Honda XT660’s and large Safari tanks confuse them – I got a “welcome to Greece” and was on my way south.

So there you have it: Balkan border crossings aren’t scary, sketchy, or long at all.Ideally, you should have local insurance for each country, but since I was just passing through and wasn’t asked for it in Bosnia and Albania, I didn’t go out of my way to buy it.To me, Albania was the most beautiful and interesting of them all, and I’ll probably be back soon as the tourist season hasn’t kicked in yet, leaving the roads empty and hotel prices low.

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