It looks like New Hampshire’s ice riding motorcyclists may have another opportunity to be heard. In February 2020,我们在一篇题为40年摩托车传统的文章中讲述了Hoit Road Marsh,在后面的政治举动中丧生。The Hoit Road marsh is a place where riders had reportedly been ice riding for decades.

Ice-riding banned without public notice or hearings




According to the Concord Monitor, Concord’s Mayor, Jim Bouley, did not have the jurisdiction to ban the activity since ponds over 10 acres in size are under state jurisdiction. Again, according to the Concord Monitor, at the request of Bouley, then-Senator Dan Feltes added a provision to the state budget rider bill, House Bill 4, to ban off-road vehicle use on Hoit Road Marsh. And immediately after the budget’s passage, riding on the ice on Hoit Road Marsh became illegal. That caused some to wonder why there were no hearings and whether the law was passed at the behest of only a few, allegedly politically connected, people.

Unusual ice-riding ban


“It’s pretty unusual. Off the top of my head, I don’t know of any other water bodies that are shut off to OHRV’s during wintertime.”

但现在,有些人正在寻求推翻禁令。一群骑马爱好者,Merrimack Valley Trail Riders(MVTR), are working with the New Hampshire legislature to amend the ban. According to the MVTR website, an amendment to the outright ban (attached to House Bill 1316) would let riders use the ice Mondays, Thursdays, and Saturdays from 10 AM to 4:00 PM. The ice would be closed on all legal holidays. That bill died in the statehouse without action.



But now, a new bill,New Hampshire House Bill 571,正在通过立法机关。它不修改霍特路沼泽禁令。它寻求废除它。公开听证会于2021年2月10日举行。现在就在资源,娱乐和发展委员会面前。州码头表示,它于2021年3月11日在委员会到期。

ice riding


While the Hoit Road marsh ban is playing out, other new scenarios are arising. According to the Concord Monitor, some residents of Bow, New Hampshire, are trying a different approach to controlling state lakes and ponds. They want local control of the resources.

Local control?

House Bill 534 proposed by a Bow State Representative would allow municipalities to regulate off-road vehicles on the use of frozen bodies of water up to 100 acres in size. It would allow towns and cities to impose hours of operation, limitations, or even outright bans on the lakes and ponds.

The bill is receiving opposition from several fronts. Not only are many riders and snowmobilers against the bill, but some state government agencies are as well. Again, according to the Concord Monitor, representatives of the New Hampshire State Police and the New Hampshire Fish and Game Department are voicing their concerns.

Concord Monitor Captain Michael Eastman of New Hampshire Fish and Game说:

“These are public places for all people to recreate. The concerns that we have is that it would create confusion to the public, to have different laws and ordinances from town to town in those bodies of water.”


If we address the abutter’s noise complaints, is it possible that most of these legal hassles will disappear? There are already管理摩托车排气量的联邦法规可以制造。虽然已经是法律,但有些车手选择忽略它。




A motorcyclist ice-riding. Photo credit:

I’m not saying that most ice riders have overly loud and illegal exhausts. What I am saying is that if we take away the abutter’s ability to complain about noise levels by sticking to federal noise limits, we are eliminating their legal claim.

And who better to enforce noise limits but ourselves? It’s far better than having a governmental agency or the police enforce the rules. We need to stick together on this, or I fear we will find ourselves foreclosed from even more locales.

What do you think about New Hampshire’s ice racing noise issue? Could we fix this issue ourselves without the government? Let us know in the comments below.


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