为Advrider写作的好处之一是我获得的“其他”机会。新利18苹果作为作家带来了一些特权,其中一个正在遇到一些有趣而激励的人。最近我在我身边发生了这件事美国and learned about the Rally for Rangers organization.

我被要求与一群骑着鲜血的人一起参加圆桌讨论。我的一名小组成员是Rangers联合创始人Tom Medema的集会。

Tom Medema


游骑兵联合创始人汤姆·梅德玛(Tom Medema)(L)将摩托车转移到蒙古的公园游骑兵。照片:菲尔·邦德

As a result of his job, he also knows that around the world, national parks like the ones he supports are under constant threat. Wild animals, fish, and plants are routinely poached. Illegal mining, logging, and the illicit drug trade devastate the landscape. Sometimes, important cultural artifacts are stolen or damaged. Against this backdrop, park rangers work to protect their park’s precious resources.

rally for Rangers

因此,汤姆与其他车手韦斯利·桑伯里(Wesley Thornberry)和罗伯特·麦金托什(Robert McIntosh)共同创立了rally for Rangers。它是501(c)3的项目蒙古生态中心这是一个非政府组织,其使命是“……通过用新的摩托车和设备赋予世界各地的流浪者的能力来保护世界的特殊场所。”您可能想象的是,这是一项艰巨的工作,汤姆捐赠了所有工作,并利用他的休假时间来支持该组织。

rally for Rangers

照片:乔尔·考德威尔(Joel Caldwell)

riders and donations needed


rally for Rangers

All capable riders are welcome. Photo: Phil Bond

By the end of 2022, Rally for Ranger’s riders from around the world will have donated more than 160 motorcycles to parks in Mongolia, Argentina, Nepal, Peru, and Bhutan. It’s likely pretty difficult to imagine how epic those rides to deliver the bikes are. But in any event, they are epic.



rally for Rangers

在蒙古中部的游骑兵骑手集会。照片:Eric Daft/Fisher Creative

While the money is not insignificant, there’s a way to pay for everything at no cost to you. As I said earlier, Rally for Rangers is a 501(c)3 organization. That means you can raise donations from other people, and they can take a tax deduction.

So if you have friends, family, or anyone for that matter, that want to support Rally for Ranger’s great cause, you can solicit donations from them, and they will get a tax deduction. It’s a win/win for all involved.


rally for Rangers

Darkhad Valley Mongolia。照片:乔尔·考德威尔(Joel Caldwell)


如果您有兴趣将自行车运送到公园护林员,并在一些壮观的景观上骑行和越野骑行,那么您就可以must apply to the organization。You will most certainly be riding in fantastic scenery and terrain. But the route may challenge you.

From the Rally for Rangers website on the Bhutan delivery:



If you are chosen, you will be traveling for about two weeks, depending on the location you will be delivering the bikes to.

US motorcycle deliveries

rally for Rangers is presently working on a plan to deliver bikes to protected places in the US. I can’t tell you where the motorcycles will be delivered. But it will be in a remote part of the country that very few get to see. And you be riding a motorcycle through this amazing place. As we get more information, we will pass it along.

rally for Rangers

会有一些具有挑战性的部分。照片:乔尔·考德威尔(Joel Caldwell)


rally for Rangers recently received some cancellations for this year’s Mongolia ride. They are looking for three to five riders to ride from August 15 through August 29th 2022 from the Gobi to northern Mongolia. So if you can go with only a couple of month’s notice, Rally for Rangers wants to hear from you.




有关更多信息,请查看rally for Rangers website。在那里,你会发现所有的细节mission and how you can participate. You can also follow Rally for Rangers on Facebook and Instagram, as well as join their mailing list by sending an email to[email protected]


rally for Rangers


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