Hello, Inmates, and welcome back. POTW has missed you! This week, we’re starting with a Featured Image that’s all about feeling comfortable in the ATGATT and in the saddle. Here is a lovely shot from our good friend@Peter640, who submitted this and the following four images a month ago, while on his Mum’s Last Gift ride in Mallorca. He had just left Spain for the Mediterranean island around the start of February, and he says the “spring blossoms and warm weather were amazing, and the roads even better.” Don’t rub it in, buddy.

Peter640 has sent a lot of pictures to us in the last few months, and for that we are grateful; when he sent these, however, we already had about six of his images in that week’s column, so we put them aside, and are using them now.The shot of the BMW R 1200 GS from behind是灯光和阴影的相互作用,这表明当空气温度和骑手心情的温度达到的温度时,春季是一个宜人的春天,您会感到自己可以永远骑行。发生这种情况时,这几乎是催眠效果的。粉红色的树只是添加了它,但这是粉红色树的工作,不是吗?正如Peter640如此雄辩地说:“爱我的生活!”

Mexican adventure

Four days of riding adventures followed when@MotoSidebot一位朋友分别从北加州和爱达荷州东部出发,并于2月初在内华达州的里诺会面。他们将2021年的YamahaTénéré和2016年Triumph Tiger XCA放入卡车上,然后驱车前往加利福尼亚州的El Centro,在那里他们定居在Desert Trail RV Park和Golf Coursel,“我们的发射和终点”。房屋老板让他们在游泳池旁边的草坪上睡觉,并在他们伴随着舞台时为卡车提供了一个安全的停车位。当然,所有这些都以名义费。



The following day we rode the second portion of highway 3 across the width of the Baja peninsula, eastbound to San Felipe for lunch, then south to Puertocitos on highway 5. We camped at a paid site, beachfront in Puertocitos.

在第3天,他们骑着40英里 /小时的逆风往北到达圣费利佩(San Felipe)享用午餐和供应,然后以156公里的环路前往圣费利佩(San Felipe)的西北156公里,然后通过一个被称为La Sal的干湖床区。沙子在斑点深处(下面两张照片)。。。

第四天我们骑回边境,进入the U.S. at Mexicali east. Having no clue what we were doing, we accepted lane filtering instructions from very helpful street vendors, cutting the wait time down by 2/3. We road 749 miles in 4 days, camped 1 night on the Pacific, 2 nights on the Sea of Cortez and ate all manner of seafood tacos along the way. Every person we encountered was friendly, courteous, inquisitive and pleasant, inclusive of the soldiers at 6 military checkpoints!


Here we have our editor Zac on a 2019 ride around the Trans-Labrador Highway. He’s on a 2009 Yamaha WR250R “because I figured it would be reliable and cheap on gas.” Well, it曾是cheap on gas, but regarding that reliability issue?

Sadly, the rad gave out only two hours from home, but after some clever welding, I was back on the road about 10 days later, and finished the trip with no mechanical trouble.


I was really glad to do the trip—it was something I’d wanted to do for about a decade, and never imagined I’d be able to leave work for two weeks of travel. That was the catch—I didn’t really leave work, I had to bring my laptop with me and occasionally plug into my job while I was on the road. But it was a welcome trade-off, and I got to see sights I’d always heard about: The Manic 5 dam, the Big Land sign at the Labrador border.


哦,是的,我在纽芬兰的A B&B发现了这个奇怪的,乱七八糟的KLR。这辆自行车是为了迈出英里,而不是关于风格!



那是@R80gsericon the 1986 BMW R 80 G/S riding an infamous piece of racetrack just a few months ago. “I recently moved to Monterey and met a troop of apes who were raising money for the Pacific Grove Rotary Club. They said “bring $100 and meet us at Laguna Seca,” and I was dumbfounded to learn we could ride the legendary track and be photographed on the Corkscrew! An amazing experience and chance to try recent frame and suspension upgrades.

Cooling his jets

Here’s something we might want to remember on a long, hot ride some day—@eemsrenofound a good way to cool off on a hot day riding home from the Black Hills a few months ago. It’s not in the photo, but he tells us he was riding a Super Ténéré.

Meanwhile, in Sardinia

Here we have more photos from Peter640, who submitted the four shots below near the end of February. So these came after the photos at the top of the POTW page.

“Great roads, cork trees, and mobs of sheep!”

A comfy place

下面的镜头@Nytrainer, was taken a few years ago in Lecthworth State Park in New York state. That’s a 2004 Suzuki DR650 enjoying the shade and the view.

New Zealand riding

The trio of bikes in the photo below were headed up a hill to an observatory station on the South Island of New Zealand when your host Steve shot the photo.

It was just before Covid struck, an Edelweiss Bike Travel tour of the South and North islands of New Zealand. I managed to get up there and off the bike in time to frame the shot of some of the stragglers through my Nikon D7200.



Sightseeing stops were frequent. Here (below) we’re gawking at something, but some of us (like me) don’t know what it is. Or care—we’re just happy to be there.

On a downhill gravelly road, one of the bikes went off the right side of the road and into a ditch. It might have stayed there for a long time, but about 10 minutes later, that forklift vehicle, which just happened to be rambling up the road, stopped and lifted out the BMW, a fabulous case of green serendipity. A bruised ego, but no other injuries, and we were on our way. There’s nothing like having the right tool for the right job!

这不是Edelweiss巡回演唱会的常规部分,但是我们中的一些人恰好被邀请参观已故约翰·布里顿(John Britten)的基督城家,后者在下面的照片中构建了许多您看到的东西。那是他的女儿在左边,现在住在那里。如果您不确定约翰·布里顿(John Britten)是谁,那么您要自己看他,但在上一张照片中查看摩托车。

布里顿(Britten)建造的自行车 - 它是Te Papa Tongarewa的​​展示,也称为新西兰博物馆。

这样,我们将在本周的POTW结束。感谢您加入我们,请记住提交。We are nearly out of pictures at this point, so we need your images。只需单击下面的链接,给我们一些有关图片的详细信息,然后发送!

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