Much ado is made about Keanu Reeves both inside and outside the moto world. The general public sees him as The Internet’s Boyfriend, or perhaps The Last Nice Guy in Hollywood. Motorcyclists know him as the guy behind ARCH Motorcycles, the boutique brand that sells custom-made bike to the rich and famous. And now you can visit that factory, and even design a bike… if you’ve got Ohlins suspension. And, you win a contest.

See the ARCH’s Instagram post below:

Enter and compete for the opportunity to visit ARCH Motorcycle in Los Angeles. The winner will get a fully paid stay in Los Angeles, an exclusive tour of ARCH Motorcycle’s facility and the chance to sit down with the design team and create a 3D rendering of your own ARCH bike.

‘Course, maybe you don’t have Ohlins suspenders, or maybe you don’t care about Keanu Reeves. Still, ARCH Motorcycles looks like it would be a fun place to visit even if you aren’t star-struck by Hollywood royalty.

A few months back, we had a quick look at new models from ARCH, including the 1S and the Method143, along with the original KRGT-1. These machines run Ohlins suspension (hence the tie-in in the competition above), S&S V-twin motors, beefy brakes and stripped-down frames. There’s lots of carbon-fiber, and since each of these bikes is custom-built for its buyers, you can customize it far beyond the already high-spec configuration thatARCH lists on its website. Nice, if you’ve got the dough ($100k+!!!)—we’ll stick with our milk-crated KLR for now, thanks.

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