ADVrider’s Head Moderator @Cannonshothas just finished helping coordinate a Search and Rescue exerciseand has shared his experience (and photos) on the forum

Well, I finished up with that Search and Rescue exercise with state government. How did I get hooked into that? They needed someone from the Trail Patrol program to work with some aircraft and ground units. Having been a Colonel and a fixed wing pilot, some folks figured I would fit the bill (and also having the necessary emergency management credentials). I have to admit I really enjoyed working with the Army aviation folks again. Cool professionals that reminded me of some things I forgot that I missed about the military.

Anyway, I worked a site that had multiple search and rescue scenarios. I had two iterations of two aircraft at a time. We also had two ground crews at the site as part of the search effort.

Last year Cannonshot wrote up histips for getting found when you need rescuing. If you missed it, it is well worth reading.

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