

You agree to not use the Service to submit or link to any Content which is defamatory,abusive,hateful,threatening,spam or spam-like,可能会冒犯,包含成人或令人反感的内容,包含其他人的个人信息,有侵犯版权的风险,encourages unlawful activity,或违反任何法律。

All Content you submit or upload may be reviewed by staff members.All Content you submit or upload may be sent to third-party verification services (including,但不限于:垃圾邮件预防服务)。不要提交任何你认为是私人或机密的内容。

我们保留删除或修改因任何原因提交的任何内容的权利,恕不解释。删除或修改内容的请求只能由我们自行决定。We reserve the right to take action against any account with the Service at any time.


These terms may be changed at any time without notice.

如果你不同意这些条款,请不要注册或使用此服务。If you wish to close your account,请联系我们。


新利18苹果ADVrider was created to support the horizon-chasing 新利18苹果adventure motorcycling community.正因为如此,我们支持自由旋转思维,伟大的图片和故事,那些不怕扭伤身体的人(那些战战兢兢扭伤身体的人);还有那些尊重多样性的骑手们,这使得这个星球值得旅行。




  1. 尊重论坛主持人和管理者。这是他们所做的一项吃力不讨好的工作,and cleaning up other people's messes is never fun.
  2. Post to the forum that is most appropriate for the topic being presented.每个论坛都有一个说明目的和规则的贴纸。看看每个论坛的顶部。
  3. No cross-posting.(This is posting the same topic in more than one forum) However,there are times when it's okay to do so with the permission of a mod,或者在论坛规则中明确允许。
  4. 遵守所有版权法。
  5. 在你跳跃前潜伏
  6. Think before you hit "reply".Re-read it.Your posts live on forever in search engine servers.记住我们都在一起。
  7. 常见问题的答案可以在“问秃头,指责Cannonshot论坛,including such classics as "how do I post a pic" and "how do I change my User Name?".
  8. 如果你需要帮助,联系一个mod/admin或两个或三个。你可以在这里找到清单。如果你找不到一个特别的论坛模型,就找一个值班的。
  9. If for some reason your post got moved or you find yourself under the banhammer,回去阅读论坛规则。如果你不知道什么东西被移到了哪里,你可以通过控制面板找到你最近的帖子。
  10. 如果你的是最后一篇文章,你想添加更多信息,考虑编辑它,而不是添加另一个答复。
  11. Don't rip off the ADV logo.There are authorized vendors in the Vendor section if you want to buy stickers,T恤衫,旗帜,和其他好东西。

These are the site-wide rules.You can count on them to be in place always,no matter what forum you are in.Violation of these rules is grounds for the IMMEDIATE banning of your account.如果你认为我们在开玩笑,再想一想。

  1. 骚扰,intimidating or threatening other members is a no go.
  2. 攻击家庭成员意味着快速退出。
  3. Threatening a public official means instaban.
  4. Private Messages are Private.发布某人的PM,你就走了。
  5. 发布关于某人的私人信息会被禁止。您不得发布或发布他人的私人和机密信息他们的电话号码,where they live,and so on - without their consent.
  6. 禁止张贴色情或令人反感/不适当的材料。


    But it's not just nudes we're trying to avoid here.如果一个形象把某人描绘成一个纯粹的性欲对象,那么让我们来判断这不是为了ADV。在纯粹的欲望中奴役我们的图片,为了一些闪亮的东西,像杜卡蒂还是诺顿?MORE!
  7. 不要破坏网站。没有立克次体,自动播放视频,恶意代码,spammy hijacking,或者破坏网站功能的任何东西。动画礼品可以。If you inadvertently screw the pooch with a post that causes fail,与MOD联系。
  8. No multiple user ID's.Fake n00bs,也就是多个用户ID,是,除特殊情况外,与发起人合并。或者两个身份证都被禁止。当你被禁止时,试着注册一个假的n00b,而你的临时休息可能会成为永久性的。如果你想更改用户名,去问鲍迪的问题,指责Acerph论坛。
  9. 没有垃圾邮件。卖自己的垃圾很酷,但只限于跳蚤市场。Selling multiple items of the same product is considered a sale by vendor,so Vendor forum.Soliciting inmates via Private Message is spam.If it's not related to motorcycling,这是垃圾邮件。如果我们看到它,我们就用核武器,可能还有你。
  10. 在发布前阅读每个论坛的规则。真正地。Do it.只需要一分钟。一些论坛被相当严格地控制,以防止事情很快横向发展。
  11. 我们尽量让这个地方像一群肮脏的摩托车手一样安全。因此,在sig行或用户标题中不允许有亵渎。Also,请不要在“线上方”的线标题中使用亵渎,即,外的地下室(JM,CSM)。非常感谢你。
  12. No forum wars.如果你在其他论坛上和囚犯在一起,这不是给他们吹气的地方。
  13. 没有MOD诱饵。Whether it's in the forum or in PM's to the staff here,成为一个纵火犯可能会为你赢得一些假期或是一个永久的假期。
  14. 关于政治的帖子或讨论,religious or financial topics,或者任何可能引起激烈争论的事情,只限于“教堂,State and Money" CSM Forum.
  15. 国防部的决定是最终决定。



The software upgrade has a new feature allowing the moderators to issue infractions as warnings before the Banhammer falls.Occasionally infractions will get bypassed and the Banhammer will strike.

Please consider whether a post really is in violation of the rules before hitting the “report” (“blame”) button.当我们得到它的时候,the mod squad will decide what action,if any,是需要的。Whining is a drag,但是,在一个有问题的职位上给我们一个提示总是受欢迎的。

If you're getting the hint that you might be under the banhammer:
在许多论坛上,在这里呆了一段时间的囚犯会很有帮助,给你一些提示——一些微妙的,some not--on how to avoid getting into trouble.听他们说。这里的每个人都对保持网站的正常运行有着既定的兴趣。If someone suggests you should change your Flea Market post,注意。If someone suggests that what you've posted in JoMomma is about to get you banned,仔细考虑编辑你的文章。

违反规则会导致从一天或几天休息到冷静,长期或永久禁止。如果被禁止,您的订阅将丢失。If for some remote reason you think the mods have made a mistake,您可以通过任何页面底部的yo按钮与网站上的某个人联系。

If your best buddy is under the banhammer:
Don't start threads to "Free __________".除非你想和你的朋友一起参加禁营。

未经许可,请勿张贴受版权保护的材料。Links to service manuals,非法下载.mp3,等。将被删除,and you will be banned. If you believe that your copyrighted material appears on this site please read the following:
新利18苹果Adventure Rider (DBA 新利18苹果AdvIDel.com)尊重他人的知识产权,要求我们服务的用户也这样做。We have a policy that includes the removal of any infringing materials from the Services and for the termination,in appropriate circumstances,我们服务的用户是重复侵权者。公司不担任知识产权纠纷的仲裁人或法官。It is our policy to disable access to or remove text and other material ("Content") posted by users on the Website which we believe in good faith is infringing a copyrighted work.通过禁用对内容的访问或删除内容,作为一个审慎的问题,我们不认可或确认侵权索赔。如果我们禁止访问或从网站删除内容,我们将真诚地尝试联系负责发布或显示内容的一方,以便所有者可以按照下面的规定发出反通知。It is also our policy to suspend and/or terminate access of users of the Website who we believe are repeat copyright infringers.
如果您认为我们服务上的任何内容侵犯了您拥有或控制的版权,you may notify 新利18苹果Adventure Rider (DBA 新利18苹果AdvIDel.com) Designated Agent by contacting:
In accordance with the DMCA,书面通知(“DMCA通知”)必须包括以下内容:
  • 被授权代表被指控侵犯的专有权所有人行事的人的物理或电子签名。
  • 确认您认为被侵犯的版权作品,或if the claim involves multiple works on a Website,a representative list of such works.
  • 声称侵权或被侵权活动所涉材料的网址或互联网位置;或足以让我们找到材料的信息。
  • Your name,address,电话号码和电子邮件地址。
  • A statement that you have a good faith belief that use of the copyrighted material is not authorized by the copyright owner,它的代理,or the law.
  • 书面通知中的信息准确无误的声明;在伪证罪的惩罚下,你被授权代表被指控侵犯的专有权所有人行事。
If you fail to comply with all of the requirements of Section 512(c)(3) of the DMCA,您的DMCA通知可能无效。
Also,请注意,如果您故意歪曲我们服务的任何活动或材料是侵权的,you may be liable to 新利18苹果Adventure Rider (DBA 新利18苹果AdvIDel.com)一定的费用和损失。
如果我们根据版权或商标通知删除您的内容,我们将通过 新利18苹果AdvIDel.comprivate messaging system.如果您认为您的内容因错误或错误识别而被错误删除,you can send a counter notification to our Copyright Agent (contact information provided above).Please see 17 U.S.C.§512(g)(3)关于适当反通知的要求。

We may disclose any communications concerning DMCA Notices or other complaints of rights violations with third parties,包括受影响的用户,权利持有人,以及收集DMCA通知信息的第三方数据库。

About the Rules

They say "Membership has its privileges".不幸的是,其中一个没有违反规定。

我们的规则适用于所有人,如果你被禁止,警告,locked out of a thread or forum,或者其他惩罚,没有退款。