如果你想买一辆体面的自行车,这很艰难实际上骑它。如果你发现真正良好的形状,你这些天你经常面临天文价格。如果您购买固定器 - 上部,您最终可以比骑乘更长时间触床,并且随着当前的供应链弱点,您真的想这些天搜索零件吗?

所以,如果你想骑行,那么找到一台带有一点诚实的机器,你可以拥有一天的跑步订单。一种具有可靠性的机器,以及一般固体零件供应。机器像1973年宝马R75 / 5一样。

That flat twin engine is similar to the /2, but with lots of smaller upgrades that add up to a much better overall package.


BMW was in an interesting position in the 1970s. The Japanese manufacturers were hammering the established Euro marques, building faster, more affordable, more reliable bikes. And yet BMW hung on, while so many other brands failed. Why? A lot of that success was due to BMW’s /5 series from the start of the decade.

正如您所期望的那样,R75 / 5有一个750cc发动机(/ 5阵容中还有500cc和600cc机器)。这是宝马的大钻孔百全角,几十年来使用该公司服务的原则。一个空气冷却的双阀平面为自行车的核心。750发动机大约50马力。那些日子里,本田和川崎最热门的产品落后于最热的产品,但智商有几十年清醒的可靠性备份。/ 5发动机都是先前/ 2系列的明显后代,但有一些很少的调整,全部增加到前一代的体面改善。内部换油系统已更新,升级轴承升级为寿命增加。将链驱动的凸轮轴重新定位(/ 2具有齿轮驱动的凸轮轴),允许更多的接地间隙。更重要的是,现代的12伏充电系统(带三阶段180瓦交流发电机)将自行车的电钻头带到最新状态。虽然全部/ 5种型号也有一个电动起动器,但是所有/ 5种型号也有一个踢球者。


The BMW R75/5 came with 32mm Bing CV carbs as standard. Like all airheads, the R75/5 had a shaft drive. A one-plate dry clutch came as standard, and four-speed gearbox.

BMW also cut a fair bit of weight on the /5 series, thanks to plastic fenders and other measures. The chassis itself was lighter, and the R75/5 had telescopic forks, instead of the heftier Earles fork used on the /2 series (dual rear shocks were standard, of course). Wet weight was supposedly 210 kilos, or 463 pounds, which certainly isn’t outrageous when compared to the competition of its era. More importantly, that weight handled well; the R75/5 was supposedly good for almost 110 mph, and it was supposed to be a stable machine at that speed.

A classic airhead look.

看着带上拖车广告那you can see the /5 models had drum brakes front and rear—yuck. BMW moved to proper disc brakes on the /6 series, and also upgraded the electrics with a beefier charging system and other improvements. Just as this machine was an evolutionary step over the previous model, the next /6 series has some decent upgrades over the /5 models.




这款'73型号将在/ 5生产结束时建立,因为宝马搬到了1974年的/ 6。它看起来很使用,但没有滥用。广告说是“在加利福尼亚州Marin的BMW的卖家兄弟购买了新的兄弟,在与他在怀俄明州的其他兄弟共度时期,并于1978年被卖方收购。“听起来好像自行车的坐在几十年里,只有200英里,自1996年发动机重建(新型超大型活塞,传动输入轴,离合器,MCM售后排气和宠物)。

有一些明显的腐蚀发动机,修剪那rear suspension and exhaust, but nothing shocking, considering it’s almost 50 years old, with 33,000 miles on the odometer. And if you want a machine for a runner, a few imperfections aren’t the end of the world; after all, these bikes were made to be used, not ogled.


如果你买它,还有一些东西来解决。广告说你会想要新的轮胎当前橡胶于2000年安装时,电动开始不起作用。这不是世界的尽头,因为Kickstarter会让你走,但你可能想要解决这个问题。根据广告,“An oil change and battery replacement were carried out in preparation for the sale. The seller states that the cylinder heads should be re-torqued, a starter issue diagnosed, and the remainder of the fluids changed before the bike is ridden.”

如果你进入airahers,或者如果你一般机械地擅长,那么这都不是太可怕了。在撰写本文时,要价为2,500美元。毫无疑问,随着拍卖会在1月11日星期一的展会结束,毫无疑问,只要它不是much more, this could be a great chance for a reliable vintage bike at a sensible price. It might look just a tad rough around the edges, but that shouldn’t stop it from pounding out the miles.


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