
谢绝与天堂有什么关系?那么,你有没有想象没有杜卡迪900ss的天体球体,宝马r 1250 gss ......或哈雷 - 戴维森关节呢?没有办法,好友。如果我不能骑,而且,它不是天堂rideI mean ride my ICE-powered motorcycle. Presumably clean fuel is available there; I can’t imagine polluting somewhere beyond the Pearly Gates.



虽然乘坐电动摩托车本身可能很好,但它不能匹配无法踢你的BSA 441 Victor或Sportster ......不,等待。让我们专注于我们实际做些什么。自从将经典转换为电力(通过电池或广播),氢气,飞轮驱动器或甚至压缩空气几乎没有避开现有的精神,并且现有燃料的精炼充分是不可能的昂贵,这使得非常长的发动机关闭下坡运行或者合成燃料。

对合成材料的最好的事情就是你不have to make major changes to the engine of your existing bike. Then there is the fact that you don’t need special storage, such as the cooled and compressed containers that hydrogen needs in the form in which it is presently available, or the new and comprehensive network of charging stations that is required by electricity.

今天可以提供明显替代技术的技术。合成燃料可以完全在可再生能源的帮助下进行。在第一阶段,使用电力从水中生产氢气,仅具有氧气作为侧面产品。加入二氧化碳,随着任何数量的工业过程的产物易于使用,并且CO 2和H 2的组合导致合成燃料,其可以以汽油,柴油,气体,甚至煤油的形式制成。

Let us sincerely hope that we don’t have to go back to steam power. (Photo Musee Ile de France)

该过程对环境影响极低。作为大不列颠及自然加州这样的国家,在相对不久的将来期待新的内燃汽车的销售,现有摩托车和汽车依赖的化石燃料基础设施(加油站)也可能消失,即使冰也可能消失车辆也没有被禁止。但保时捷有计划将其许多经典和当前的汽车(以及Stablemate Ducati的自行车)在其当前的发动机上运行。

保时捷仍然在路上建造了70%的汽车,冰块不会在一夜之间消失。保时捷首席执行官Oliver Blume说。他说,这就是为什么保时捷正在研究合成燃料。适当,他的名字意味着'花'。

合成燃料保时捷正在研究是氧亚甲基醚(OME),其中一种由二氧化碳和氢气制成的燃料之一。虽然氢气本身可用于燃料 - 电池车辆,但使用现有的燃料基础设施,可以在现有的内燃机中使用ome等合成燃料。


但只需在环保,非污染方式生产燃料并未解决冰污染问题,特别是生产温室气体二氧化碳的生产 - 进入了什么,必须出现。与合成燃料的重大承诺相关的最重要的环境问题是通过将大气加载二氧化碳的大气而导致气候的无情变化。即使在分钟的数量上,气体也会吸收热量,否则将从地球辐射到太空中。


The obvious answer is to source the carbon dioxide from current polluters who are pumping the gas into the atmosphere. That way, ICEs might still be producing carbon dioxide, but it will not beextra二氧化碳。

Michael Steiner, who is in charge of R&D at Porsche, says that Porsche wants to power up the development of synthetic fuels, known as eFuels. “This technology is particularly important because the combustion engine will continue to dominate the automotive world for many years to come,” he says. “If you want to operate the existing fleet in a sustainable manner, eFuels are a fundamental component.”

Steiner is particularly keen for Porsche to influence the specifications of synthetic fuel: “We absolutely want to help with this process so that the fuel is suitable for high-performance engines,” he notes. Problems like those with E10 should not be repeated. “When E10 came onto the market, the blend had some disadvantages. It must be different this time: it must have advantages.”

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