这是一种忏悔:我经常梦想有一个散落在世界各地的摩托车舰队。我会把一个皇家恩菲尔德藏在印度莱州的某个地方;所有欧洲和北非拉力罗的哈士尼亚人的哈士奇701;我勇敢的老露西(DR650)为日常旅行;Yamaha WR250和KTM 350用于硬境骑行,我的罗马斯首次亮相;非洲双胞胎为......好吧,坦率地说,只是因为它非常漂亮。我还在为训练提供一辆电动山地自行车,以及蛋糕kalk留下沉默的武装蛋糕kalk。

然而,现在,我更专注于训练而不是散发摩托车。Having recently ridden a WR250, an Africa Twin DCT, a regular Africa Twin, and a couple of different DR650’s, I’m even more convinced that when it comes to riding, the question of motorcycles or training still has that same straightforward answer: experience is worth more than stuff. Here’s why.


几个月后,我很高兴采访越野骑行教练和导游Bret Tkac(又名mototrek.在YouTube上)。他说,他发现它奇怪的是,大多数人幸福地在新的adv自行车上花了数千美元,并且可以想象的最佳骑术装备,但犹豫了骑士训练。“良好的训练可以防止像保护齿轮一样麻烦”,布雷特对我说,然后我不能同意。闪亮的新自行车真是太棒了,但如果你不能骑着它们,他们有什么好处?您培训越多,您所需的乘坐课程越多,您就在任何自行车,任何地形,任何道路或路线条件下更安全。



Ski slopes in the summer are perfect for moto tracks. Who knew?





信心可以让你或打破你 - 特别是在骑马时。没有什么比在路径上进入“我不能”的恐惧,没有什么比在路径上出来;态度很重要,培训可以帮助您提高骑马对堆的信心。只有一个周末的训练可能不会将你转变为无所畏惧的达喀尔骑手,但它会给你工具,承担新的挑战,并继续使用你骑的每一英里改善。



Little by little, however, just plodding along became not enough. I wanted to do more off-road, more single track, then more rally, then more enduro… I still enjoy simply riding and taking the world in. But from time to time, I need more, and the ability to take on different kinds of riding and racing expand my horizons. I don’t necessarily need to be trying out every roadbook navigation rally out there; but the fact that I could if I chose to gives me a sense of even more freedom and takes the adventure to the next level.

Rider training is the best investment you can make. If you can afford it, take off-road, track, hard enduro, ADV – anything you can get! – riding lessons from the pros, go on training tours, enter training rallies.

如果你不能,学习从你的骑友,你ube, volunteer at events and races in exchange for a few hours of training, practice on your own, and keep on challenging yourself. At the end of the day, the feeling you get flying along some remote track on an older, beat up bike is a million times better than gingeerly duck-walking a brand new two-wheeled beast around a switchback fearing to drop it.

图片:Reini Wenzel

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