
哦,我听到你嘀咕着。一个食物势利!Continental La-Di-Da八道菜餐厅位于米其林 - 主席的餐厅,桌布和桌布和obsedious的服务员。我们知道你的类型!


不是。虽然我在米其林出售的餐厅吃了,但这不是我的意思。For a start I can only afford to eat in such a place about once every couple of years, unless maybe it is at Hawker Chan, a street-food vendor in Singapore, which sells the world’s cheapest Michelin-starred meal: a chicken-and-rice dish that costs 3 Singapore dollars, or about US$2.25. But since Singapore is probably the dullest motorcycle destination in the world, I get there infrequently.

This is where The Bear learns that ‘brebis’ means ‘ewe’, so the stall sells sheep cheese. Delicious.

There are two things at which continental Europeans are better than the entire Anglophone world. The first is the quality of the ingredients or raw materials they grow, catch, make, or shoot. They take a great deal of care about this, and they have no choice. If you live in an Italian neighborhood, you will have seen the care with which Donna Casalinga examines every string bean before she selects it. You sell good produce, of every kind, or you sell nothing. This leads to respect for ingredients. Germany practically has a national holiday when it is asparagus season.

If the market just off Las Ramblas does not have it, it does not exist. At least in Spain.


This emphasis on variety is really a third advantage for continental cooks. Note that I say ‘cooks’; from dishes as simple as Italian nettle soup from Thiene to a highly complicated bouillabaisse concocted at La Ciotat (both of which I have had the pleasure of trying), everyday folk cook this stuff. What it amounts to is that wondrous thing: regional cuisine.

不认为你被排除在这当you are travelling by motorcycle. You can produce your own version of a local dish just by asking when you go to buy the ingredients. These days it is also easy enough to check with the cook’s chum, Mr Google although you may miss some small points.




Ham ain’t ham. These legs of deceased pig may all look the same, but any Spaniard would be able to tell them apart.

No, I don’t do it at home – for one thing, my local pub wouldn’t know a Sancerre if it bit their… ham.




You have your produce and you have tips for what to do with it. How you prepare it is a subject for another post.


Just a quick disclaimer: naturally there are exceptions to the annoyingly general statement that began this post. Take the Cowboy Blues Restaurant in Escalante, Utah, which also happens to lie right beside Utah’s Highway 12, one of America’s best bike roads. I would ride a long way to once again sample their locally-caught and smoked trout fillet.

(Photos: The Bear and Uwe Krauss. Uwe’s photos are the good ones.)

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