几年前,我正在挪威的Trollstigen(Troll's Sto Stors),是该国最受欢迎的摩托车目的地之一。位于安纳尔斯因和挪威最着名的峡湾之间,这条路是不可否认的,但也令人难以置信地拥挤。在夏季夏季的峰值期间,Trollstigen用摩托车手,露营者和汽车爬行慢慢上升;曾经在顶部,人们公园车的车辆,尽职尽责地走向几个景观点,采取自拍照,汗水,吹回停车场,喝冷饮,然后继续驾驶。Passo Stelvio,欧洲的另一个“最美丽”的道路,正在看到类似的命运。

Even more remote places were seeing an unprecedented surge of adventure riders recently. Back in 2013, I barely saw a soul on two wheels on most of the Pan American Highway, let alone the smaller inland roads in Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and especially Bolivia. Last year? The places were packed. Not nearly to the extent of Trollstigen or Stelvio, of course, but seven years ago in South America, I’d see maybe 4-5 motorcyclists a month. Last year, on the more popular routes, I’d see at least a couple a day.

The Era of Overtourism

Pre-Corona, the growing number of adventure riders venturing out to explore the now mainstream Alaska – Ushuaia, Nordkapp – Cape Town, or London – Vladivostok routes weren’t surprising. With motorcycle manufacturers catering to the new market, other travellers making it easier than ever to plan routes and ship bikes by posting detailed ride reports, blog entries, and social media content, motorcycle tour companies jumping on the bandwagon to provide long-distance tours, and cheap motorcycle shipping and flying options, this was bound to happen.



Trevi Fountain in Rome, perpetually besieged




Make Travel Exclusive Again?



Charles Bridge, Prague

Much like Google and the obsession with SEO has changed the way writers and videographers create content to cater to algorithms and bots to attract more traffic, the tourism industry has erased cultural experiences by offering cheap packaged holidays where the locals have learned what tourists like and offer exactly that instead of staying authentic. Going on a beach holiday in Malaga where most locals speak English and every other bar is a British-owned pub while staying in a chain hotel isn’t exactly experiencing Spain, a lot like a tourist bus ride to Grand Canyon and a weekend in Vegas won’t inform much about the American culture.

To a degree, this has happened to adventure travel, too; havingthatselfie at the “Fin del Mundo” sign in Tierra del Fuego or the “Tropic of the Capricorn” in Namibia has become mainstream, and in the recent years, you could go on a two or three-month motorcycle tour of South America hitting all the “bucket list” spots along the way while experiencing very little of the local culture.

然而,几乎一夜之间,所有的已经到了an end, and with the travel and tourism industry coming to a grinding halt, the way we explore the world is going to change in ways we can’t even see yet. There is a very real possibility that travel may become accessible to much fewer people, and that it will become exclusive once again, for better or for worse.

我想知道也许还有另一种前进方式:不是通过制作旅行独家,而是通过使它可持续发展。Maybe, instead of trying to hit all the “must-see”, “bucket list”, “not-to-miss” spots along the way, we’ll zoom in on local and regional travel instead, discovering places and cultures truly off the beaten path. Maybe, while riding Peru, we’ll skip Machu Picchu altogether and explore该国的偏远地区反而。也许而不是做骨头的道路,我们可以继续远东探险反而。或者我们将通过以前没有想到的方式重新发现我们自己的国家和大陆,因为我们被发烧扫过进一步,更快,覆盖里程,而不是让自己更深入地体验世界。

Perhaps we’ll put adventure in “adventure riding” once again.

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