摩托车制造商的决策并不总是make sense. Take Kawasaki, for instance. For years, it had no 250s in the lineup, when there definitely would have been demand. Then, Kawi brought back the KLX250, but now with fuel injection. Sensible, but why not also big-bore it, since Kawasaki already makes the offroad-only KLX300? It would be easy, but instead of building a better 250-class machine, Kawasak introduced the KLX230 instead. The 230 is air-cooled, and has less jam than the 250, not more.

困惑?这是可以理解的,但这不是Kawasaki第一次完成这一点。回到20世纪70年代后期,Kawi拥有坚实的,易于骑的Ke100双重运动,然后出去建造了KM100,另一次街道合法的两吸烟者。该发动机基本相同,相同的旋转阀100CC单,具有自动注射,是Kawasaki G5模型的直接后代。然而,KM100仅制作了9个HP,大约是约11次HP的KE100。这可能听起来不太好,但是当你在这个课堂上看自行车时,这是一个很大的交易。顶级速度约为53英里/小时,这可能是底下的少女骑手。即使在55英里/小时的国家公路限制的日子里,那也很脆弱。

Your standard Kawasaki two-stroke engine, with rotary valve. Autolube injection was standard, but seems to have been removed from this bike. Photo: BringATrailer


KE 100和KM100看起来与远距离相似,但是当你并排将它们排成一侧时,很明显,KM100较小。它在16英寸的前轮和14英寸后轮上运行,而KE100有一个19英寸的前部和17英寸后部。KM100的燃料能力较低,1.59加仑(KE100有2.5加仑的燃料箱)。然而,两种机器在197磅LB时具有相同的湿重量。


Basically, this was a downsized KE100, which was hardly a big bike itself. Photo: BringATrailer

Kawasaki基于KE100的设计建造了几台机器,但它们都没有ke的寿命。20世纪80年代初,km从阵容中掉下来,现在有点罕见。您可以定期查看Ke100s待售,因为它在川崎的北美阵容一直到2001年,并将历史上作为美国和加拿大的最后一条法式的日本两行中风摩托车。KM100,嗯,这只是20世纪70年代后期的那些进化死胡同,当时 - 无处不在的两冲程双重运动大多被迫出来,并被四冲程机取代。这是一辆被滥用的自行车,一旦这些东西被用完了,他们就在棚屋或后院或田野里留下,他们慢慢生锈超越识别。

For that reason,此KM100出售在威斯康星州梅阿沙那is a bit of a standout. For a decades-old trail bike, especially from that era of motorcycling, it seems to be in pretty decent nick. According to the ad, the previous owner gave it a paint job, decals, and new tires and sprockets. The seller claims to have tuned the carb (previous owner rebuilt it, the ad says) and taken the bike for a ride, so it should be in more-or-less running order.

它并不完美的形状 - 座椅上有一个贴片,以及大灯桶上的一些生锈。And more importantly, it’s listed as a ’76, and that date might not jive with official Kawasaki lore, as sources claim the KM100 didn’t hit the market until 1978. Also, while it’s being sold in Wisconsin, it comes with a “clean Vermont title.” You’d want to get to the bottom of that mystery.


As well, it seems the oil injection system, which automatically mixes two-stroke oil with gasoline, is gone. The ad says “发动机需要预混合燃料,“和其中一个评论指出”the factory oil injection system has been removed. I say this b/c the right side, plastic side cover has the approx. 1″ diameter hole in it that would have allowed one to see the level of two-stroke injector oil in the tank. Yet there does not appear to be any tank showing through this ‘sight hole.’“正如评论所说,这是将自动注入系统视为不必要的权重的业主的共同修改,或者也许不可靠。


但是,这次拍卖没有保留,价格不是愚蠢的。找到这些较旧的双程和复古自行车变得越来越难得越来越贵。这是您可以骑行的机器,或继续恢复工作进行酷炫的显示器。但快速出价 - 拍卖将于5月15日结束。

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