Everyone’s being replaced by computers these days. On the West Coast, we now see automated cabbies; supposedly, robotic truck drivers are next. Because I’m a writer, the Omniscient Algorithm constantly sends me pop-up ads telling me how I could hire a virtual editor, or even virtual AI writers. Not that I couldn’t use the help, butI find that telling someone to buy a program to replace themselves is probably not the savviest marketing tool in the world

Anyway. The latest group to see its role outsourced to a computer is law enforcement. At the rate we are going, traffic infractions are soon going to be almost entirely enforced by an automated system, at least in urban centers. My question is:作为摩托车手还是非机车骑士人,这是否会让我们更安全?

Where did all the cameras come from?



The original traffic cameras were aimed at deterring speeders and red-light runners while saving police manpower for other problems. While motorcyclists might be sympathetic towards those with a liberal viewpoint towards the speed limit, the red light cameras are generally not as hated. Photo: sockagphoto/Shutterstock.com




So is this a good thing?

The knee-jerk reaction of motorcyclists is to quickly say this is bad—automated traffic enforcement, without any situational discretion, may enforce the rules fairly, evenly and regularly, butit may also hand out tickets for behavior that isn’t unsafe to anyone except for perhaps motorcyclists themselves。Do you want an Insta-Ticket every time you go over the speed limit? I sure don’t.

我认为,朝着自动化之举的背后人民的反驳可能会指出摩托车手的好处。例如,if red light running ends, then riders will have far less to worry about at intersections.如果尾随减少, then you have less chance of being rear-ended. If you’re forced to abide by the speed limit on the roads, you can get your speed fix at a track day, where the environment is far safer.

However, I would counter those positive thoughts with this reply: Those are some big “ifs.”

The rules only matter if they’re enforced to everyone, law-abiding and scofflaws alike。The reality is, that’s already not the case, and I doubt it’s changing anytime soon.

We see the rules changing now, with some Euro jurisdictions making it illegal to warn of upcoming traffic cameras, just as some jurisdictions make it illegal to have a radar detector in your vehicle. Photo: JaneHYork/Shutterstock.com


What will a mailed ticket do to solve this problem? Nothing.如果您没有办法知道谁在骑自行车,就无法邮寄票。And since these types of riders are the ones who are actually dangerous to the public, I don’t know that anyone will be safer at all, unless we have the entire world covered by cameras.

Maybe that’s what they’re aiming for. But even if they catch up to lawbreakers eventually, the process takes a while. Lookat this story from the Canadian city of Winnipeg,一个月内,一个骑手在一个月内获得了50张超速摄像机票。警察确实抓住了他并抓住了他的自行车,但是几周后。执法部门让问题继续,不受限制地持续半年?

Plus, while the knowledge of automated traffic enforcement should make for better driving from a logical standpoint, drivers (and riders) do not follow the rules of logic. Human concentration wavers due to fatigue. Motorists can be distracted, or even impaired.There is no way you can automate safety through omniscient traffic enforcement even if everyone was using a legally registered and plated vehicle—which they aren’t。实际上,我预测未来几个月未投保,未注册的车辆会大大增加,因为由于通货膨胀,消费者都被挤压了。如果我们看到更多的流量摄像机,问题只会变得更糟。

不过,世界各地的政府似乎打算尝试。在欧洲,一些国家,包括瑞士和Germany, have even made it illegal for technology to warn about the presence of traffic cameras. In the UK, police are telling citizens not to warn others of cameras’ presence via social media.

It’s a sign of things to come; the Age of the Camera is here; we see our new overseers rolled out, city after city, around Europe and North America every season. But will they make us any safer? Personally, I doubt it. Wars on drugs, terror and crime certainly haven’t had the result the citizenry hoped for. Will a War on Traffic be any different?


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