As first reported byour friends over at Ride-CT, Touratech is about to open a new retail location in the United States, in New England.

The global adventure gear retailer and distributor is based in Niedereschach, Germany, and their US headquarters is in Seattle, Washington. They have one other small retail spot embedded inBMW Motorcycles of Miami. Until now, the only way to frob a bunch of Touratech stuff was to go to one of those two places,attend one of their rallies, or order online.

Where and When?

Touratech’s aim is to open their new standalone retail location in May 2022, in Brookfield, Connecticut. That’s just a seven-mile hop to the New Milford location of the northeast’s leading BMW dealer, MaxBMW, but more importantly, that’s right near Danbury.

Why is Danbury Special?

Touratech execs say they did a bunch of research before landing on the Connecticut location. So, it might be a happy coincidence that this spot is right near a much more famous motorcycle destination. There’s no information on the exact location within Brookfield for Touratech yet. If they play their cards right, though (and there’s a decent eatery nearby), they could be a new place to gather. They might even stand in for the long-famous and sadly now gone Marcus Dairy. If you don’t know about Marcus Dairy, ask one of your elder motorcyclist friends about it. Hopefully, they’ll have a story.

What Can I Buy?

Touratech sellsadventure gearforyour motorcycle和你的person. Butno matter what kind of motorcycleends up in the parking lot, Touratech probably has accessories for it. They also carry with GPS devices and supplies, kits and tools for motorcycle maintenance, camping supplies, and of courseluggage,guards, seats, and windscreens for all major motorcycle brands. If a rider of any stripe needs camping or travel supplies this might be the spot.

Need a Job?

Are you a local, and have interest in selling motorcycle stuff? Their FaceBook page advertises openings for Customer Service/Sales and Retail Manager positions. There are also apparently plans for an east coast distribution center, as well, but that will come after the retail location opens.

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