Welcome to ADVrider’s Photos of the Week. We begin with a shot of@SPKRconducting a Symphony of Adventure on top of his BMW R1200 GSA. Riding the Backcountry Discovery Route in Wyoming inspired him to such levels that he looked at the sky and saw music, and what a tune it was, with the bassline provided by that lovely GS exhaust note. Or maybe it was the drumline. Who knows—music’s not my thing. But showing you great photos from our wonderful adventurers sure is, and so here we are and here are more Wyoming shots from @SPKR, who was out there a few days ago with his iPhone and a Nikon D90, and a Moto Guzzi V85TT that we assume was ridden by a friend.

Wyoming is one of the most beautiful states in the American West, and we can assure you that, as you see here, long roads and big skies are part of the attraction.

Solo traveler

Here are some shots by@Rotax Driver用iPhone XR10 fr捕获图像om his tour of northwestern Europe between Aug. 27 and Sept. 12 this year. He was riding a 2006 KTM 990 Adventure S, which he tells us is modified and has just 80,000 km on the clock, practically still has that new-car smell.

Travelling the Swedish and Norwegian TET (Trans Euro Trail) and small parts of TET Denmark (Römö beach, picture with the beer). Total was 5,700 km, traveling solo. Slept in my tent on campsites or used the widespread shelters. Great fun and no issues with the bike (might be of some interest to some inmates ;-).

Pictures taken and suds consumed within the last few weeks.

Pass the corkscrew, please

Here’s a moody shot from@gladdy_motoof his 2023 KTM 1290 Super Adventure R in Colorado’s Corkscrew Pass, taken a few days ago. Gotta think it might be a little chilly up there, but gorgeous country, either way! Canon R10 24-105 mm R4 lens, exposed at f/11, and that much depth of field would not usually let the main subject “pop out” from the background, but gladdy_moto’s composition (or maybe it’s Colorado’s composition!) and use of available light allows lots of focus depth and still gets the subject to stand out nicely. Well done!


Photos below are taken from@Lozion’s 2023 trip to Costa Rica and Panama, where he “met a few overlanders along the way.” That’s a 2020 Husqvarna Svartpilen 401.

Fun in Finland

Here are shots from@Peter640, who says he had a good time after leaving Lofoten in Norway. He “ran across Sweden and the Arctic Circle line to visit my friend in eastern Finland! I stopped at the easternmost point and wished Putin a bad day then jumped south for Helsinki! What fun!”

All photos taken just a few days ago on an iPhone 14. Peter640 was riding a BMW R1200 GS.


According to@Tjilpi, the photo below is situation normal for Thailand. “The whole family going out for a ride [on a Honda scooter]; not a (compulsory) helmet to be seen. This was in Chiang Mai, Thailand a few years ago.”

@Tjilpi说,智慧hin a few minute of purchasing the 2017 Honda Rebel 500 “I found this wall art background for the first pic of the Rebel.” That was about six years ago, he says, “and it proved to be an excellent bike for touring northern Thailand.”

And that’s it for today, Inmates and visitors. Please come back next week for more, and remember, we need your photos! Please click the link below to send pictures of your travels and your bikes to ADVrider.com. The more you send, the more we can post! And please pardon us for all the exclamation marks! We don’t like them either!

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