
From my vantage point – one of being indefinitely on the road and geographically unstable while staying deeply enmeshed in the ADV moto media and social media world, by design and by chance – I’ve noticed a few changes. Maybe they’re not entirely new, and maybe they cant quite be called adventure motorcycle trends just yet, but here’s what I’ve been seeing more and more of – and what makes me smile:

Tiny Bike Adventures

There was a time when the image of A Real Adventure Rider was that of a male (preferably beardy) person of middle age riding off into the sunset, or at the very least, the Pamir Highway, aboard a large-capacity adventure motorcycle, typically bearing the BMW logo. Partly thanks to the Long Way Round craze, the excellent efforts of BMW’s marketing department, and the overall obsession of big ADV bikes, this image dominated the covers of adventure motorcycle magazines for years, and most of us bought into the whole thing so completely it rarely got questioned.

现在,它确实如此;骑手不仅抛弃了大型GS,而且越来越年轻,富有创造力和骑自行车。只是看this French adventurer布鲁诺和他的猴子正在探索本田猴子上的世界:目前正在探索Trans Euro Trail,他正在获得动力。不说服吗?冒险家已经组织了多年的猴子自行车:

Tiny bike adventures isn’t a new thing in itself – from Nathan the Postman and Sean Dillon to Ed March riding the world on Honda C90’s, the little bikes have been part of the scene for years already. Now, however, it’s like there’s a tiny adventure bike Renaissance – and for many of younger travelers, riding the world on monkey bikes, Groms, and Cubs is a lot more preferable than the old GS story.

All Bike Adventures

In fact, an adventure bike is now any bike: there are people riding RTW on sport bikes like这位无所畏惧的女士在CBR上, vintage bikes, choppers, Chinese street bikes, little dirt bikes, and so on, and the category “adventure bike” can now mean any bike at all. If you’re adventuring on it, it’s an adventure bike, right?

新利18苹果冒险摩托车趋势That Are Awesome // ADV Rider


Less Bike Snobbery

Perhaps unsurprisingly, it feels like there’s less and less brand and model snobbery out there when it comes to long-distance motorcycle travel. Back in 2013-2014, I remember snide remarks and questions of when was I going to get A Real Adventure Bike when traveling South America on a no-name 150cc; now, in real life and reading comments online, it seems we as a community have become a lot more relaxed about labels and categories and welcome anyone who’s on two wheels and willing to put in the miles. Whenever there are articles or moto blogs mentioning people riding the world on tiny bikes, weird bikes, scooters, and the like, the comments are usually in the lines of “more power to you!” than put-downs about brands, makes, and models. And that’s certainly an awesome trend to see.

More Moto Mags and Blogs

说到文章:在冒险摩托车杂志,播客,博客,视频博客和其他内容来源方面,感觉比以往任何时候都有更多。新利18苹果从Traverse和诸如Gravel这样的播客等新杂志从Traver Trans Torans To Troving到新兴的Adv Moto Blogger和Winding Wheels等Vloggers,感觉就像社区正在成倍增长 - 并在此过程中撰写博客。希望这意味着更多的多样性,更多的新故事和更多的灵感来为每个人带来。

新利18苹果冒险摩托车趋势That Are Awesome // ADV Rider

Spontaneous ADV Meets

This year, Revzilla threw an ADV party with their Get On! ADV Fest in South Dakota; here in Europe, spontaneous, rider-organized mini-adventure festivals and meets are happening all over the place from the Netherlands to Bulgaria. It may be the post-pandemic thirst for hanging out with other adventure riders in real life, or it might be a sign that there’s more and more of us each year. Either way, it sounds like good news.

ADV to Rally

达喀尔集会可能对我们大多数人来说都是遥不可及的,但是越来越多的集会组织者正在为他们的活动增加冒险或冒险袭击的班级。新利18苹果从1000名Dunas和Hellas Rally突袭到Dinaric Rally,Iberian和Sispania,现在大多数中级集会比赛都欢迎冒险车手 - 任何自行车都是GO的。新利18苹果如果您曾经想参加冒险骑手进行集会比赛,那么似乎没有比现在更好的时间了。新利18苹果

What adventure motorcycle trends have you spotted in the last couple of years? Share in the comments below!


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