


What’s a photochromatic shield?

全面的摩托车头盔,以及模块化和最冒险的头盔,都带上一件清晰的屏蔽夜骑行。新利18苹果但如果你想要一点阴影怎么办?有些车手带着一个着色的脸部盾牌,但晚上没有好处。You could bring a spare face shield, but then you’ve got to find a place to store it on the bike without scratching it, and you’ve got to swap it out mid-ride, etc., etc. It’s a pain in the butt. Or you could get a helmet with a drop-down sun shield, but then you get more visual distortion.


根据维基百科,完美无瑕的reliable information, “A photochromic lens is an optical lens that darkens on exposure to light of sufficiently high frequency, most commonly ultraviolet (UV) radiation. In the absence of activating light, the lenses return to their clear state。” In the case of a photochromatic face shield, when sunlight shines on it, it automatically darkens. When the sunlight goes away, the face shield material returns to its normal transparency.

How does it all work? Once again, according to Wikipedia:

塑料光致变色镜片使用有机光致变色分子(例如Somazines和萘甲烷)来实现可逆的变暗效果These lenses darken when exposed to ultraviolet light of the intensity present in sunlight, but not in artificial light. In the presence of UV-A light (wavelengths of 320–400 nm), electrons from the glass combine with the colorless silver cations to form elemental silver. Because elemental silver is visible, the lenses appear darker.

In other words: There are fancy-pants molecules in the plastic that turn dark, thanks to a chemical reaction when exposed to UV light.

The photochromatic shield’s opacity depends on how much light it’s exposed to. Photo: Shoei

How does the Shoei Hornet X2 CNS-2 photochromatic shield work?

The Hornet comes with a clear shield; the photochromatic shield is a $209 add-on accessory. You can find ithere on the Shoei website或者搜索谷歌/雅虎/鸭子的“CNS-2过渡光致变色的Pinchlomic Pinlock盾牌”,您可以找到其他卖家的定价。

The CNS-2 shield arrives in a plastic baggie, to prevent scratching. It’s not hard to install; the Shoei’s visor unscrews by hand. From there, there’s a catch on the helmet’s stock face shield, on the pivot point at each side. Many manufacturers use this arrangement, and I’ve always found it a bit finicky, but not too bad. Certainly easier than the Arai face shield retention system, although not as idiot-proof as the crude screws on a Zox helmet.

Once it’s installed, there’s nothing else to do. No batteries to change, thankfully, unlike pretty much every other moto gadget on the market. You just go for a ride, and the face shield takes care of the rest.

我真的很惊讶,我第一次使用CNS-2光上色盾 - 过渡真的很平滑,就像Shoei说一样。你从一个明亮的太阳普拉的日子到一个很好的阴凉视图,而甚至没有真正注意到。骑行,我觉得太阳在天空中下沉,盾牌切断了很多亮度 - 但太阳仍然很高。

盾牌使骑手的整个视野​​变暗,与太阳镜不同,这总是让光线侧面。没有太阳镜挖掘头部的臂。而且,因为CNS-2屏蔽是单个窗格,所以你没有得到扭曲的愿景,你有时会从太阳镜或下拉内部遮阳板上获得。世界看起来就像它一样那only darker. Which is exactly what most people want.

如果你是那种受到视觉失真令人恼火的人的类型 - 我当然是我 - 那么这是对你的头盔升级。

Installation is simple. Just pop out the old face shield, install the new one.

Potential issues


首先,这不是一个廉价的脸部盾牌,每个人都知道它很容易划伤头盔盾牌。如果你骑了很多灰尘,或湿泥 - 甩掉Dempster,或者可能是跨实验室 - 那么你将在砂砾中覆盖你的遮阳帽。您可能能够在不划伤的情况下清洁那个关闭,或者您可能不会,根据条件,您可能不会。如果您现在需要可见性,则立即需要可见性,您将在脸部屏蔽上擦拭污浊的手套,刮擦您的光上色屏蔽。如果您刚刚在街上,或者在非尘土飞扬的条件下骑行,或者您可以在越野盾牌上骑行,并且在您越野时,请沿着非尘土飞扬的条件越过越野。

Another potential issue: While riding with the photochromatic shield as the sun dropped behind trees, there were times I wished for less shading as I rode through shadows. The shield doesn’t change its tint instantaneously. If you’re riding on a bright sunny day and head into a tunnel, covered bridge or underground garage, your shield won’t lighten right away. You might have to flip it up, if you’re riding into deep darkness. The instruction manual warns riders about this, and it’s not a big deal, just something to be aware of.



如果您想知道Shoei Mornet X2头盔本身,您可以找到@butterqwup.回顾here。她通过说“这是我佩戴的最舒适的头盔之一来汇报了她的审查。它很安静,流过空气。视野很大,峰值在头部检查期间仅提供最小的自助式;在所有其他时候,它非常稳定。“我找到了同样的问题,我唯一的问题是我订购了一个尺寸的m,这太小了。我订购了较小的内部填充物,这有一个能够佩戴它的点。这里的课程是,在线订购之前尝试您的头盔 - 这就是为什么您应该通过当地自行车商店订购。

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