
1000 Dunas Rally School,Andalucia,西班牙

Miguel Puertas,组织者为1000丹塔斯集会和创始人西班牙1000丹塔斯集会学校那is a jet fighter pilot, a Dakar rider with 11 Dakar attempts and nine Dakar finishes under his belt, and a former sports director of the Himoinsa Racing Team. If anybody can get you into rally-ready shape, it’s Miguel, and his school is open for both amateur and experienced riders.

Gunnar Roland.,我的同伴Rally Rider和Adventurer,新利18苹果最近完成了Dunas 1000培训,有这么说:



俱乐部Aventura Tuareg,西班牙

我第一次见到创始人曼努埃尔加西亚维多利亚Aventura Tuareg.那at the Hellas Rally Raid 2019. Despite racing the rally himself, Manuel always found a kind word of encouragement for me, a complete rally noob, and I had the privilege to ride one of his rally KTM450’s again at the Hispania Rally in Guadix last year. Manuel and his team have years of rally experience and have trained rally riders for Dakar, Merzouga Rally, Rally Tuareg, and more. If you’re looking for some serious rally training, Aventura Tuareg is a great choice – especially if you’d like to ride the Intercontinental Rally with them or join their Morocco Xtreme event in Northern Africa.



如果您正在寻找更长的越野培训之旅,enduro.Escape在特兰西瓦尼亚可能只是它。提供较小的Dirtbikes(Yamaha WR250F和450F,KTM 350,Beta 350)和更长的时间 - 从2到5天的旅游可获得 - Enduro Escape侧重于越野技能,污垢自行车滥用,以及您可以去的无尽的特兰西瓦森林像你喜欢的野生一样。Having done their three-day off-road training course a couple of years back, I can attest that these guys, former Romaniacs riders, do not hold back: you’ll get dragged through local forests and hills, rocky single track, steep ascents, and ravines, and if you survive, come out a better rider.


图片:Gabriella Linford

Motobirds, Poland

Primarily a motorcycle shipping and tours company,Motobirds现在正在转移焦点并在后院创造越野培训之旅:波兰。Motobirds在波兰的几个不同的越野学校组合,提供培训周末,培训旅游(包括全部女骑行),以及大容量冒险摩托车的培训活动。新利18苹果Having done a weekend’s off-road training with them near Warsaw, I can recommend them as a great team of Polish enduro nutters that can both boost your riding skills and showcase Poland off-road, a winning combination if you’re looking to travel and improve your riding at the same time.



克罗地亚是欧洲越野骑行的最佳地点之一,但如果你正在寻找一些严肃的enduro和硬斗骑行,那么uncrew is easily the best one in the Balkans. Having started out as a group of friends, Untamed has retained the spirit of raw adventure (“This is not a tour, and we’re not going to be your guides”, reads their website intro), so if you’re into hard riding, wild camping, and exploring Croatia, Bosnia, and Montenegro on single track, this is the place to be. The best part? Having ridden with Untamed, you’ll probably get hopelessly hooked and enter theDinaric Rally,Balkans的新集军竞争旨在将骑手和机器测试到最大值。



越野,enduro和集会训练一体:enduro.Greece,一支拉力赛者,教练和支持力学团队,正在教授骑手如何在希腊山区越野。如果您希望在进入Hellas Rally或Serres之前越来越好,enduro希腊是培训,建议和支持的最佳联系点。


Featured image:@rally新利18苹果 adventer.

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