When it comes to theworld’s best motorcycle roads, it’s easy: these are the roads that left the most unforgettable memories. Whether it’s some unremarkable dirt trail in a forest nearby or the switchbacks of Dades Gorge in Morocco, if you loved it, it’s a great road. But what about the worst motorcycling roads out there? And what criteria do you use? For me, the worst motorcycle roads I’ve ever ridden are these:

German Autobahns

Don’t get me wrong, they are a thing of engineering beauty, and if you’ve got the speed, they may be enjoyable. On a DR650 and in a rush, though, it’s just painful.

Ruta 3, Argentina

There’s nothing wrong with this road, and I’m sure it can be a fun route if you need to get back to Buenos Aires from Ushuaia quick; but for me, it became an endless grey saga of rain, flatlands, and an occasional glimpse of an angry, choppy Atlantic Ocean here and there. I chose this road because of inexperience – should have taken the Ruta 40, obviously, but this was before social media and it took me a while to discover ADV forums – and it just went on, and on, and on in a straight line along the coast. Never again.

Swiss Alps

What kind of a soulless monster can dislike riding in the Swiss Alps? Me. And that, of course, was my own fault, too: I rode across Switzerland in early May when most Alpine passes are either closed or walled in by snow and ice. By the time I reached Davos, the road was closed, and the only people I met on the pass were skiers and snowboarders watching curiously as I turned the bike around. Switzerland and the Swiss Alps are insanely beautiful, but boy oh boy, all I remember from the Julierpass is hypothermia.

What were some of the worst motorcycle roads you’ve ever ridden? Share in the comments below!

Featured image: Pixabay

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