A lot of us pay lots of attention to a motorcycle’s specs. We often concentrate on things like fork leg diameter, wheel travel, ground clearance, wheel size, and fuel capacity¯you get the drift. But every motorcycle has a single component that is integral to every bike. And for many of us, we don’t pay attention to its design. What’s this component? It’s the motorcycle frame.

It has many jobs, including holding the engine, fork, and swingarm. It also provides a tunable level of rigidity to help keep a motorcycle performing at its best. But do you know much about them and their construction?

This quiz will test your knowledge of the often underrated motorcycle frame. And I think it will be a tough one for most of you. I know that I didn’t know much about them, and having penned this quiz, I now know a little more. So give this quiz a try and test your knowledge of motorcycle frames.

Once you are done, let everyone know how well you did in the comments below. Good luck and enjoy!


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