My old colleagues atMOTORRADmagazine in Germany recently published a list of the most economical motorcycles over 125cc that they tested in 2021. There were no real surprises in the list, but it is nevertheless interesting. And with petrol prices at well over 2 Euros a liter, even European motorcyclists feel the pinch at the pump.

“The 10 most economical motorcycles range between 300 and 750cc and deliver between 29 and 77 hp,” they note. The route thatMOTORRADuses to establish fuel consumption runs mainly over back roads, avoiding towns, and is replicated for each contender. “The aim is to drive economically without being a traffic obstacle and of course within the framework of the road traffic regulations.”

I did a bit of double checking on manufacturers’ claims in other countries, but the results stood up pretty well. You will note that the list includes two models from the Voge brand, which as far as I know is not available in the US, Canada, or Australia.

Here they are, the fuel misers of the past year, all with fuel consumption of less than 4 liters per 100 kilometres (58.8mpg).

Photo: Royal Enfield

Joint 1stplace: Royal Enfield’s Meteor 350, which used only 3.0 litres per 100 kilometres (78.4 mpg). It is also the only contender with less than 21.3kW (29PS) on tap. The other bikes range from 29PS to 77PS.

Joint 1stplace: The 2021 Voge300AC wins equal first place as the most economical motorcycle.

2ndplace: Honda CB500X, with3.2 litres/100kilometres (73.5 mpg).

Photo: KTM

Joint 3rdplace: KTM 390 Adventure takes it with consumption of 3.3 litres per 100 kilometres (71.28 mpg).

Joint 3rdplace: Also with 3.3 litres per 100 kilometres, the Honda CB500F shares third with the KTM.

Photo: Honda

Joint 4thplace: Honda NC 750 X DCT takes another shared spot. Mid-size displacement meets minimal thirst. 3.4 litres per 100 kilometres (69.18 mpg) with dual-clutch transmission for the NC 750 X DCT.


Joint 4th place: Yamaha YZF-R3 is also in fourth place with only 3.4 litres per 100 kilometres.

Photo: KTM

Joint 5thplace: KTM’s 390RC offers fuel consumption of 3.5 liters per 100 kilometers (67.2 mpg).

Joint 5thplace: Voge 500 DS.

Joint 6thplace: Honda Forza 750 is the only scooter in the list and shares sixth place with consumption of 3.6 liters per 100 kilometers (65.34 mpg).

Photo: BMW

Joint 6thplace: BMW’s F 750 GS also offers consumption of 3.6 liters.

There you have it, a genuine guide to low-consumption motorcycles above 125cc. Save fuel, save money and save the planet – a trifecta of goodness.

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