Ask any motorcyclist what their greatest enemy is, and these days, most will say: “Drivers on their cell phones.” So, it’s ironic to see that in Canada, police are finally taking the fight to distracted drivers by using the unique capabilities of motorbikes.

The plan is to put a new two-bike team into action on the streets of Regina, Saskatchewan. The government’s press release says “Distracted drivers won’t see them coming… and that’s the point.” The idea is, motor officers will be able to use the bikes’ high seats to look down into cars to hand out tickets for cell phone use, as well as seatbelt infractions.

Interesting, practical, and finally a useful way to use the unique capabilities of a motorcycle. What’s even more interesting is, the bikes themselves are not identified in the press release, and they aren’t being paid for by the Regina police force. They’re actually paid for by the provincial government along with SGI, the government-run auto insurer that has a monopoly in Saskatchewan:

The Government of Saskatchewan and SGI are purchasing two new police motorcycles for Combined Traffic Services Saskatchewan (CTSS). The new bikes will be hitting the streets and highways starting this week.

The motorcycles will be used by the Regina Police Service’s CTSS unit. The total cost to purchase and equip the two motorcycles was $110,000, with funding split equally by SGI and provincial Criminal Property Forfeiture Fund.

Yeah, you read that correctly. Saskatchewan is paying $55k apiece for these bikes, without even telling us what make and model they are, and it’s coming from taxpayers, although somewhat indirectly. Ah, the wonders of bureaucracy.

Still, it is good to see that the province is taking distracted driving seriously, and taking practical moves to address the problem. In a best-case scenario, motor officers will also discover another unique capability of motorcycles: They make it much easier to smell who’s blazing up in their car while driving. Even in Canada, it’s illegal to smoke marijuana while you’re driving, but it’s currently happening everywhere. Book ’em, Danno!

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