
For most of my kind of riding, I’ve been firmly on the adventure boots side of this debate for some time. However, I may have been swayed byAlpinestar的Tech 7 Enduro靴子。在许多地区,这些靴子可能只是弥合了“冒险”和“ Enduro/Hotoross”靴子之间的差距。新利18苹果

Alpinestars Tech 7 Enduro boot features

Let’s talk about the boot’s features, and then we’ll get into the review. Frankly, there are a lot of big words in Alpinestar’s description of the Tech 7 Enduro boots. Here’s a list of the features that Alpinestars says make the Tech 7 Enduro boot a great boot.

  • TPU胫骨板和内侧保护是由单个零件制成的,以更好地结构完整性和稳定性。此外,它具有双重闭合系统和带有魔术贴的内部超细纤维皮瓣,以精确拟合。
  • TPU侧面面板使用蜂窝橡胶插入物,旨在提供对自行车的抓地力并防止撞击。
  • The boots’ wide opening makes putting the boot on and taking it off easier. And, it allows you to adjust the boot to your calf for security and comfort.
  • The buckle closure system uses replaceable aluminum buckles and combines easy-to-adjust “memory settings” with quick release and locking.
  • There are redesigned instep and Achilles accordion flex zones for superior comfort, control, and support.
  • 新的双重化合物,可移动的鞋垫包括EVA和Lycra顶部,可舒适,支撑,甚至重量分布。靴子的脚跟也得到了加固。鞋底和脚步插件都可以替换。
  • The Tech 7 Enduro boot is CE Level 2 certified.
  • The TPU ankle protection system uses a biomechanical link between the middle and bottom sections of the boot to help prevent injury to your leg.
  • The boot chassis has an ergonomically profiled forefoot and lower toe-box to provide easier shifting and improved rear brake feel and control.

Bridging the ADV / Enduro gap

Let’s talk about what all the above means to you when you ride. The first area that helps this boot bridge the adventure/enduro gap is comfort. I have to say these are the most comfortable enduro/motocross boots that I’ve ever slid over my feet. There are a couple of reasons for this in my case.


First is the footbed. There’s no other way to say it; it’s flat-out comfortable without being squishy. The second is the boot’s footbed volume. The Tech 7 Enduros are roomy. I have super wide feet, and I could comfortably get my feet into and out of these boots.

通常,当我屈服时,更多的铁杆adv或Enduro靴子的侧面会痛苦地挤压我的脚侧面。但是,Tech 7 Enduro的鞋垫足够宽,这不是问题。它很舒适,靴子内部没有太多的体积。

Tech 7 Enduro

从靴子的内侧可以看到Alpinestars Tech 7 Enduro靴子。

That said, these boots do run a bit large. So if you are a half size, you may want to think about ordering a size down. In addition, keep the extra volume in mind if you have narrow feet.

Walking is comfortable as well. It’s not like wearing sneakers, but they are not so stiff that you feel like Frankenstein just learning to walk. The boots flex a bit front to back, so walking is easier and more natural.

它们比大多数ADV靴子都更加僵硬。但是,Tech 7 Enduros提供的舒适性和额外保护之间的权衡可能会让您选择Tech 7 Enduros。

What I mean by this is, if you are only traveling for a day or a few days and don’t plan on any extended hikes, the Tech 7 Enduros are a great option. But if you are planning extended touring with lots of walking around, an ADV boot might be your better option.




Alpinestars并未声称技术7 Enduros具有防水性。但是它们确实包括一个旨在阻止水分的内部盖帽手。也就是说,Alpinestars确实使技术7 Enduro Drystar靴子具有防水性。能够在将来尝试一对并测试它们的真实防水,这真是太好了。

Boot profile

Compared to an average ADV boot, the Tech 7 Enduro’s are big and bulky. They weigh in at 3 lbs 12 ounces each, compared to an ADV boot like a Sidi Canyon, which weighs 2 pounds. The extra weight and bulk let you know you are wearing a more substantial and protective boot.

但是,这些靴子再次使保护和自行车控制最重要。在骑行技术7 Enduros一段时间后,我相信他们已经成功了。

对于大型靴子,Tech 7 Enduro确实比其类别中的许多靴子具有更顺畅的个人资料。根据Alpinestars的说法,这些靴子具有“人体工程学剖面的前脚和下脚趾箱,可提供更容易的转移和改进的后刹车脚和控制。”在骑行技术7 Enduros之后,我不得不说他们成功了。

Control feel

使用我骑过的其他Enduro靴子,我必须调整脚部控件,以适应靴子的较厚轮廓。令人惊讶的是,当我在Yamaha T7上尝试这些靴子时,我很容易感觉到并操作脚部控制。

The boot toe fit under the shifter, and I could easily reach the rear brake lever. However, I did have to pay attention to consciously moving my toe downward a little before shifting up into the next gear. But, the fact that the boots fit under the shifter without any adjustment says something about the thought that Alpinestar’s put into these boots.

And the boots had more than enough flexibility to move up and down on the controls without a lot of effort. Of course, it takes more effort than most traditional ADV boots, but not a considerable amount more. Frankly, for using the foot controls, the Tech 7 Enduros are easier to use than another Italian company’s much more expensive Adventure 2 boots.


Getting the boots on and off is a breeze. The opening for your foot is large, and the buckles are a simple aluminum frame design. Slip the strap through the buckle and push down, and you are in. Simply pick up the buckle frame and remove the strap, and you are out.


最后,我没有也不打算故意从自行车上掉下来,以测试技术7 Enduros可能提供的其他保护。但是他们显然有更多的“硬零件”,可以帮助吸收或转移来自秋天的能量。


Alpinestars Tech 7 Enduros可能只是Adv Boots和Enduro/Enduro/Hotoross Boots之间的桥梁。他们很舒适,提供额外的保护,并且价格合理。Apinestars技术7 Enduro Boots的MSRP为409.95美元。这是相当多的钱,但是在我的书中,额外的保护是值得的。

最后,这取决于您打算在靴子中做的事情。对我来说,短短几天或更短的时间,我可能会选择技术7。但是,如果我要去漫长的旅程,我可能会骑行很多骑行,并每天用相同的靴子做差事,那么我可能会选择防水的adv靴子。我注意到Alpinestars确实产生了Tech 7 Enduro Drystar启动模型。但是,我无法访问一对,因此无法提供有关它们可能具有防水性的任何信息。

But when all is said and done, the Alpinestars Tech 7 Enduro boots are a great combination of comfort and protection.

注意:Alpinestars免费提供了本文的Tech 7靴子。

