Released at the start of 2019, the CABDR is an 850-mile route riding South to North thru using rugged two-track and remote dirt roads lead riders through majestic canyons, rocky riverbeds, and sandy washes of California’s famous deserts and national preserves, including a dream ride in the Mojave Preserve. This is the first Wintertime BDR


The riders:

克里斯 -Offroad EditorWomen新利18苹果– DR650

Nathan – BDR Ambassador – Husqvarna 701

Josh – Real Estate Agent – Kawasaki 250

Dusty - W38越野骑行教练 - BMW 1200gs

Kevin – Former Desert Racer, now RTW rider – KTM 500exc

RTWPAUL - 嘿,那是我,RTW骑手 - KTM 500EXC

The BDR is pitched as a wintertime route, how true is that?



Does this detract from the route?

Again yes and no, if you want to ride this BDR and take all the expert sections then there is a very high chance that will be impossible in the dead of winter, even though it is California.

If you just want to ride and don’t mind the alternate routes at lower elevations and finding your own go-arounds if necessary then yes, its a winter route.

What are some of the Challenges?

克里斯 -

I’ve struggled with both sand and rock riding, so you might be able to imagine my trepidation after seeing the CABDR documentary. Sections one and two filled me with hope and excitement, as I navigated Indian Pass Road and the Intaglio Loop. Adapting to sand riding, I grew to love the wandering feeling of the bike, because it meant rolling on the throttle and flying on through.

Nathan –

第1节 - 印度通行证道是各种各样的守门人,检查你在门口的沙子技能。好像要说,“先生,我将需要你使用油门。”在CABDR-S上有无尽的深层,有些人会举行举行的下降和/或充满挑战的上坡银行。当自行车在腿之间来回移动时,它几乎变得有节奏,因为轮胎在沙子中刮去侧面。当你接近洗涤时,靠背,看看另一边,并油门!我仍然可以觉得肾上腺素匆匆赶上自行车穿过深层沙滩!

加州BDR South的南方没有像骑在太平洋的地方,我来自哪里!我让我彻底沉迷于沙漠骑马。

Josh –

This route will test your resolve! And the heat…omg! It’s hot! But, if you stick with it, you’ll be rewarded in wondrous ways. And you might even learn a few things about yourself along the way.

Dusty –

骑马在斑点挑战,主要是因为深沙子。我们的小组全部乘坐BMW 1200 GS和GS冒险,每周装载野营装备。新利18苹果所以,我们被沉重,可以说是最少的。这当然在深沙上发挥了一部分。

As an off-road riding instructor and owner of West 38 Moto,我不推荐新手骑手(在大型冒险自行车上)骑载有行李的途径。新利18苹果此外,如果沙子不是你的朋友,我建议跳过路线的许多部分或骑行更小的轻质摩托车。不是说它无法完成,只是说真的很多沙子,它可能更多的工作并导致比你在寻找的更令人沮丧。让我们面对它,我们都是不同的舒适性和能力水平,骑行技能和技术。

你可以与尘土飞扬的互动about BDR readinessin his thread

Kevin –


rtwPaul –

Sand, sand, sand, lower your tire pressure, grab a hand full of throttle and enjoy the feeling of the bike doing its own thing and just go along with it. The ride to The Racetrack will test your resolve for washboard, around 25 miles of it. Your bikes suspension, racks, luggage, wheel bearings will all be tested to extremes that their condition and are mounted tightly and everything is still in working order as you pass Teakettle Junction and continue to The Racetrack trying to find that perfect speed to ‘float’


All agree Lippincott Pass is a true test of your skills

克里斯 -


从一个平静稳定的节奏,我的头脑rt started to pick up speed. I became the zebra who has spotted a lion; eyes darting right and left, looking for an escape, I followed the lines clear of rocks. Knowing the lion was closing, I paused, evaluated my path, and continued, until no dirt remained – it was a field of rock.

在耳机中,我听到我们的朋友“这里有点具有挑战性。”在这一点上,我叫我的伴侣 - 我知道狮子无法持续过去100英尺,但我也不是我自己的。


Dusty –

I have done the Colorado, Utah and Arizona BDR’s and those are considered the toughest.



Kevin –

The commentary on the BDR website is spot on for this Southern California section. The “Expert” routes are very challenging.


All agree Alabama Hills wins this hands down, just purely amazing views that need to be seen first had to be fully appreciated and if possible, try to time your day right so you end your day with an amazing camping spot.

Every day offers something very unique, amazing nature, historic or pure Americana. The was not one area that anyone found boring and just needed to get thru…that shows how great the route chosen really is.

Where to go when you are done, home or…?

just over an hours ride east you reach Tonopah, Nevada and the end of section 3 of the NVBDR, this gives a very nice option to continue on with a BDR be it north or south.

If you headed north you could then easily link to the IDBDR and ride all the way to Canada, or if you headed south via the NVBDR, the link to the Az and the AZBDR and ride to Mexico

To get more information and GPS tracks,参观官方的Backcountry Discover路线网站

对于印刷地图,这是轨迹的伟大信息来源,因为您可能没有电话服务,请转到Butler Mapsand any questions about the maps inmateEakinswill be happy to answer

