在过去的两年左右,我一直在遇到一个令人愉快的怀疑,即美国冒险车手作为一个社区正在互相增长。新利18苹果In real life, that was always the case – whenever you meet another rider on the road, chances are, they’ll be interesting people to talk to, and over the years, countless riders have helped me out when I found myself out of gas or tire puncture repair kits; equally, I’ve helped others whenever I could, and most of the time, meeting other overlanders is a joy.

然而,在线,图片曾经有些不同;you never knew when another rider might take serious offense in your tire choices, for example, or inform you of the uselessness of your luggage setup, or tell you you’re adventuring the wrong way, or, in my case, point out the horrible monstrosity that is my hair, the opinion that women have no business riding big bikes in the first place, or that I must be lucky – and thus utterly despicable – to live this way.


尽管如此,敌意确实在这里和那里裁剪,有各种有时兴奋的原因(如何你说Motoz Sucks ?!),我有时会发现骑手在线攻击他们的自行车的选择,他们携带的行李数量或他们的路线计划(你是坚果独自前往安哥拉吗?)。所以,如果你想冒险正确的方式,根据互联网新利18苹果,这会看起来像什么?


If you were to ride around the world the right way, you should choose a motorcycle that’s lightweight, but it should be a BMW 1200GS with the exception that it could also be an Africa Twin, only much lighter and more capable off-road, ideally like a Husqvarna 701, just a little less pretentious, and you should absolutely be able to take your complete motorcycle apart and put it back together, which is why you need something like a DR650 or a KLR 650 that is mechanically simple and electronically uncomplicated, except, of course, you need to be doing highway mules comfortably and you want to look badass, which is why you should choose the KTM 1190, but you should also be a hardcore off-roading minimalist for which the KTM 500 EXC will be best, unless you want to race rallies, too, so you’ll need something even lighter, but then, you want to make sure you can lock your aluminium panniers for safety, so really you should be riding the Triumph Tiger Rally Pro, if you have any self-respect, only it should be more like the old 690 KTM.

如何冒险正确的新利18苹果方式// adv骑手


现在你已经有了骑自行车,现在是时候计划一条路线,但是没有计划太多,因为你需要冒险,如果你不够计划,你就不负责任;新利18苹果your route must take you to remote places, but not too remote if you’re riding solo, which you should not do off-road but on-road only, except tarmac is not very adventurous which is why you should ride more dirt, and you must circumnavigate the world otherwise it’s not world travel, but don’t just ride the popular routes so as to be more original than that, and don’t go to Pakistan because it’s dangerous but do go to Iran because you must be a fearless explorer, only, of course, you should be safe and not venture further than Mexico, but also Siberia if you have any spirit of adventure at all; don’t ride too fast and don’t be too slow, five hundred miles a day is too much and two hundred, too little, and you must avoid highways at any cost but if you end up riding in the dark, well, you should have taken the highway, and it’s your own fault you got a fat tire on some local dirt road, you’re being terribly flippant about your safety traveling these backroads, but if you don’t, you’re not really traveling.

如何冒险正确的新利18苹果方式// adv骑手


旅行时,您必须确保您冒险正确的方式;你必须有一定数量的崩溃,而不是太多,因为这可能会引起怀疑你的自行车是废话,或者你是一个无用的机修工,这是一个严重的罪行,因为你必须能够自己修复你的摩托车,但没有a toothpick and an iron will, except for those times when you should have it serviced professionally because you don’t want to appear like a penniless scrounger; if you crash, please walk away with bruises only so you can seem brave and adventurous – if you break a bone, on the other hand, and end up in the hospital, well, we told you so, don’t take unnecessary risks; do complain about the deep sand, the bad weather, and the sketchy borders, but don’t whine too much, and be sure not to stay consistently positive, either; blog and vlog but don’t monetize it, post on forums but not too regularly, share advice but only the right advice you’ve already received, and bring something new to the community, just as long as it’s a narrative that fits.

如何冒险正确的新利18苹果方式// adv骑手



