在过去的几年中,随着业余拉力赛赛车场面的爆发,世界各地正在出现新的活动,秘鲁也不例外。今年是第一版Caminos del Colono拉力赛突袭在秘鲁的瓦努科举行:为期三天的比赛将使骑手以350公里的特色菜和429公里的联络人穿越安第斯山脉,而组织者承诺在途中承诺令人垂涎的风景和坚固的地形。“我们已经在这场达喀尔风格的摩托车拉力赛突袭活动中工作了7年,而2021年是我们启动第一版的一年。The event requires 90 volunteers, 30 organization vehicles, 60 policemen, and 27 ambulance teams, and we know that in a rally race, there’s a lot that can go sideways, which is why we spent so much time preparing”, Toby Shannon, organizer of the event, said. Caminos del Colono Rally Raid is aimed at both local and international riders, and it has several different motorcycle classes as well as a quad and an SSV category. Curiously, Caminos del Colono also offers a Chinese motorcycle class among others: “we want to show that these Chinese bikes, so popular in South America, are up to the task and can be really fun to ride”, Shannon explained.

集会是一项非营利性活动,旨在为秘鲁扶轮社筹集资金,组织者希望纪念19世纪奥地利和德国定居者在安第斯山脉(Andes Mountains)走过安第斯山脉的历史。到目前为止,有83名车手参加了比赛,并且注册仍开放。

Caminos del Colono Rally RAID将于8月26日至30日在秘鲁的Huanuco举行。骑手可以自行车进入,也可以从活动组织者那里飞入本地租金;如果您在秘鲁寻找一个有趣的两轮假期,竞赛中文250cc驴子在安第斯山脉的整个山脉,这可能是参加的理想活动。如果一切顺利,我希望自己能在那里,并归功于拉力赛组织者的邀请:现在,感觉就像Caminos del Colono试图做得太早了,并且在太多方向上做了is a brand new event, and it’s always interesting to see races at their very beginnings. Who knows, the Caminos del Colono may grow into something seriously awesome – and in the meantime, the organizers are doing a trial run with a one-day Rally Huanuco taking place on the 27-28 of June this year with names like Gianna Velarde attending the “practice race”.


