如果您落后了几年或流媒体订阅,您可能还记得乔治·杰森(George Jetson)。对于那些不了解Jetsons的人来说,这是一个动画情景喜剧系列,讲述了一个有今天问题的未来家庭。

Anyway, one of the remarkable things from the series was its view of the future. For example, during the comedy’s opening sequence, George Jetson is dropping off his family for their daily activities. Once he arrives at work, he touches a button on his “car,” and it quickly turns into a briefcase.

折叠Tatamel E自行车/踏板车/摩托车

好吧,这种技术正在以Icoma Tatamel自行车的形式到达今天(几乎)。它叫做摩托车,但实际上更像是踏板车的机器。就是说,它具有一些相当不错的性能数字,可以使其成为有用的城市通勤机器。


Street legal?



Icoma Tatamel

Icoma Tatamel的展开和折叠的足迹。

As for its riding performance, it’s clearly not a race bike. Nor is it a long-distance traveler. However, it could be a machine that will take you from your city apartment to your downtown workspace. With its size, there’s no need for parking. At all. Just roll it into your office and slide it under your desk, as shown in the title picture of this article.

为两轮驱动器提供动力是连接到12,000 mAh锂铁电池的600瓦电动机。自行车的发明者说,该组合提供约50公里(30英里)的范围。不幸的是,没有关于充电时间或重量的信息。

Tatamel Performance

如果你想知道什么是自行车的性能like, you may be surprised. It has a claimed top speed of 40 km/h (about 25 mph). That speed could take the bike out of electric bicycle territory and into motorcycle category in some places. That could be a good or bad thing depending upon how you want to use the bike. Some cities (like Paris) have speed limits for electric bikes that are slower than that. So, for example, the Tatamel would be classified as a motorcycle there and have the same “restrictions.” However, according to Icoma, in Japan, the Tatamel is classified as a moped and only requires a standard driver’s license. No motorcycle endorsement is necessary.

Icoma Tatamel





Icoma Tatamel



在这一点上,Tatamel只是一个一次性示例。自行车的设计师期待大规模生产,但到目前为止,尚未获得必要的资金。如果您想进一步了解Icoma Tatamel,可以查看它日语网站

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