Harley-Davidson – errrr, sorry, we meant to say LiveWire – is opening an intriguing new installation in Malibu, California. It’s called the LiveWire Experience Center, and it sounds like a motorcycle dealership that won’t actually sell motorcycles.

What does that mean? Let’s analyze the words of the actual press release, shall we?

The first LiveWire Experience Center, designed to offer a fully immersive experience centered on the all-electric LiveWire ONE motorcycle, has opened in Malibu, California. Inspired by the soulful connection of riding LiveWire ONE, the Experience Center looks to introduce the electric riding experience to visitors while also creating a community space for LiveWire riders.

“California is one of the most established electric vehicle markets in the world and is an ideal location for the first LiveWire Experience Center,” said Jochen Zeitz, Chairman, President and CEO of Harley-Davidson. “The LiveWire ONE motorcycle is designed for the pursuit of urban adventure and the Malibu area offers superb riding in a variety of environments, both urban and beyond. The Experience Center will give both riders and non- riders a chance to engage with the LiveWire brand and ultimately experience the thrill of riding the most desirable electric motorcycle available today.”

LiveWire体验中心是由生活Wire in collaboration with London-based designer Steve Lidbury. The interior expresses cool urban adventure, with polished concrete, engineered wood, perforated steel and detailed textures. The 1,766-square-foot space incorporates a virtual showroom to support live video chats with LiveWire representatives, displays of LiveWire technology and design, a collaborative showcase featuring displays by LiveWire partners, socializing and event space and LiveWire One motorcycles available for demo rides. Customers can place an order for a new LiveWire ONE motorcycle online and take delivery at home or locally, courtesy of an authorized LiveWire dealer.

Take particular note of that final paragraph. It sounds like a hangout space where you can meet other LiveWire owners or LiveWire representatives (virtual salesmen, it sounds like?), or read display boards with details about the LiveWire lineup. Or, you can order a bike online, and have an authorized dealer fill your order.

等待是this a way for Harley-Davidson (sorry again, we meant to say LiveWire) to get around the traditional dealership model? Or is it meant to augment the model?

From an email exchange with a company rep, it sounds as if this isn’t entirely virtual. It also sounds like they may not be an actual dealership with bikes in stock, but they’re filling the role of a traditional dealership: “There is a team onsite to answer questions, offer/facilitate demos, and provide detailed product info. We technically aren’t selling bikes there, but we can offer guidance and help customers through the process.”

Hrm. So maybe established Harley-Davidson dealerships carry the LiveWire line in their warehouses, and these Experience Centers serve as the sales centers? Naturally, Harley-Davidson/LiveWire will not comment on the company’s future plans. However, whatever exactly those plans are, it seems that we are going to see an evolution of the current dealership model as a result.

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