What's it like to hit a Deer?

Discussion in 'Shiny Things' started byMrBob,Nov 24, 2020.

  1. CaseyJones

    CaseyJonesRidin' that train

    Aug 10, 2010
    Western Montana
    Yes, and yes.

    我把一些6 k灯已经离开旧塔科马truck...frankly, I was shocked at how much light I got, and how far ahead. About a month after I put them on, late fall, I had business in Portland, a day's driving from me. Crossing on Lolo Pass, because it let me avoid a lot of tourist and truck traffic.

    I would see those deer, on the straights, a mile away. See the red of their eyes, no lie. I think those lights were actually painful to the deer, because they tended to walk away once they looked my way. Remember, deer are grazing animals, prey. Their instinct is never to run, because that triggers a running response in predators. So they tend to walk slowly away from what they view as a risk.

    所以我认为那些强烈,very-illegal灯帮助ed a bit. BUT...the last time I hit a deer, was - again - the deer hitting me. Traversing Montana, in that same truck, about one in the morning. Had to get to Wisconsin, grab some crap, moving, and back to Montana in three days. So I was gonna do an all-nighter and nap a few hours somewhere. The motel could come when I got where I was going.

    I drove right into a stampede. Must have been fifty deer, all running across the road. Miracle of miracles, I missed hitting any - but the driver's mirror caught one on the head, took off the mirror, and the carcass slammed into the side of the truck, right between the start of the bed and the wheel cutout. Looked like the Jolly Green Giant gave it a kick.

    An independent body shop popped it out for $50, but the sheet metal remained wrinkled. But, what the hell...it was a work truck, and with 200,000 miles on it. Didn't trip the air bags, so it was all good.

    There is no way to avoid them, short of staying home. And the only way to limit your risk, is to keep travel between nine and four, during the day.
  2. thechief86

    thechief86jack of all daniels

    Sep 5, 2015
    Bethpage, TN
    I wish people would hunt these bastards to near extinction. One of the worst motorcycle crashes of my life was when I hit a momma deer as I was hauling ass down a gravel road on my KLR. The noise startled the sleeping deer and her 2 babies, and they came out of the hedgerow and across the road. I panicked and hit the brakes, but on gravel, all that did was start the slide. I hit momma broadside, at about 45 mph, and she kept running. As I was sliding down the road, I watched the 2 babies jump over me and follow mom into the woods and over the hill. I bent the crap out of my crashbars, and broke my petcock and Aux. lights, but the bike was still rideable. After a few minutes laying in the road groaning and slowly getting my breath back, I stripped off all my gear and sat down for a bit, and took inventory. Once I was sure I was ok, and the bike would make it home, I started the 6 hour ride back to the house. I was very sore for the next few weeks... So yeah, majestic and all that, I'd like to see a lot fewer of them. At least they taste good.
  3. DockingPilot

    DockingPilotHooked Up and Hard Over

    Mar 24, 2004
    Andover, N.J.
    I had a headlight modulator on my bikes and while i cant prove it, I swear deer clearly saw me and avoided my bike.
    Not to mention left hand turning idiots.
    CaseyJonesandwaybilllike this.
  4. FPGT72

    FPGT72Long timer

    Oct 25, 2006
    Kingsville MO
    When I got my AT the first thing I did was order crash bars and lights, LOTS OF LIGHTS. My versys did not look hurt too bad but as it was leaking oil and they found a chunk out of the case they totaled the bike. I think they are pretty quick to total them anyway.

    I leave for work at 0400, still very dark and the deer are really movin depending on the time of year. I can tell you I have seen more of them, been ready for them to be stupid and I really think saved myself from at least half a dozen impacts by seeing them. I had quite a few close calls on the versys, but always figured I had close calls in the cage as well.

    I ride mostly in the country to work so not many people, I setup two lights to shine to the sides of the road, I really light up the area, catching them in a field or on a fence row really helps.

    This year I saw about 4 of them together, two does and two young ones still in spots. I see them they are on the road side of the fence, I can see them trying to figure out what to do, I am slowing from 55 down to about 30 when they decide to dart across the road and jump the fence on that side....off all 4 go, and the two adults hop the fence....the small ones cant and stop at the fence....I am now going about 10, they are looking at me....they dart to the other side again,(starting side) but mom is not there, the lights on the side show mom standing in a field looking back at the little ones.....I am now stopped, across the road again, not 5' in front of me, I twist the throttle and take off leaving them behind.

    I know I would have been totaled if I had not seen them along that fence row.

    And yes they do stand in the middle of the road as well, as long as all kinds of other crap in the middle of the road. I once nailed an owl that was having breakfast on the side of the road....I have hit a turkey, and some kind of buzzard eating roadkill. All kinds of crap in the middle of the road. I followed a line of corn into town one morning, stopped the truck and said....ahh I think you need this fixed before I can let you go on. Driver was like oh shit.
    waybilllikes this.
  5. FPGT72

    FPGT72Long timer

    Oct 25, 2006
    Kingsville MO
    Yes and no, usually in the country deer are pretty gun tame. At our gun club we have had to stop active matches (think a line of 24 guys all doing a rapid 15 round course of fire) because deer, turkey have appeared on the top of the berms, really odd seeing this. I have been told it happens at the state run range as well, and usually during rut.

    I was out back on my property shooting, pretty big and loud rifles, I shoot from basically a big wooden table with all my stuff laid out, when something behind me makes a lot of noise, it scarred the hell out of me, I jump up turn around and there is a doe not even 5' away in the brush looking at me. She just stood and looked. I have been out shooting in the back and watched owl, eagles, hawks all sit in the trees and watch me, it is pretty cool seeing them out there.

    Long story time....hay its me.

    When we first moved out to the boonies the wife wanted tulips, so WE planted a TON of tulips, you know the flower displays at like the entrance to malls in such, well when the flowers stop blooming they are usually changed out, wife got talking to ground crews and well what do you do with all the bulbs, oh we toss them....so LOTS AND LOTS of planting tulip bulbs....Deer will dig up and eat tulip bulbs...come right up to the house and dig them up, at first they will run off, then they will kind of just walk away, after that they will just stare at you and keep digging, so you run outside in your tighty whities and yell and scream, same deal....then you run out with ice cubes and toss them at the stupid deer, they soon learn your effective ice cube range. Next is the red ryder you had back in 1968, they learn effective bb gun range. Next you run out with a REAL FUCKIN GUN and pop one or two into the ground. That works about 3-4 times then they are standing in the middle of the field about 70 yards away looking at you and saying you can't shoot for shit can you.

    We now have daffodils, deer don't eat daffodils.
  6. FPGT72

    FPGT72Long timer

    Oct 25, 2006
    Kingsville MO
    My deer vs motorcycle at speed exceeding 45mph called for a ambulance ride to a class 1 trauma center, at the end of the day the bill was over $85k, as in $85,000 of that I paid $350. And I have crappy county guberment health care. I was laying there in the bed after they gave me some fentanyl, my sheriff comes in and one of my Lt's. The dr is there with the two cops and me really wobbly sitting up ready for the uber painful ride home and the dr asks do I need anything for work, and I tell him my work is standing right here, and I start giggling like a school girl, for some reason I thought that is real funny.

    Anyhoo, I don't know if that is a problem with the american medical system or not, I am not smart enough to answer that, however I can say this experience was so much better than a like experience in a place with socialized medicine it is not even funny. To tell the truth if I had to pay the 85k out of pocket it would have been better then that fucked up deal.
  7. ragtoplvr

    ragtoplvrLong timer

    Oct 18, 2007
    central USA
    Please tell of your experiences with socialized medicine in a first world country.

  8. MrBob

    MrBobLong timerSupporter

    Oct 27, 2005
    O town, WI
    I was convinced that the modulator helped in traffic, especially with left-turners.
  9. MrBob

    MrBobLong timerSupporter

    Oct 27, 2005
    O town, WI
    I made it to L' Anse aux Meadows on the tip of the island but I swear that the Moose were as thick as deer along the highway.
  10. bk brkr baker

    bk brkr bakerLong timerSupporter

    Jul 19, 2006
    The Bluegrass
    1 hit with a '03 Dakota. The incident taught me that I don't want to impact one with my body or motorcycle.
    I was going along following 2 cars on a country road at around 45 mph. There were trees lining the right side , where the buck came from. There was no time to react , nothing and then pow . The deer had jumped to the drivers side and after the impact I was treated to the sight of the deer sliding at the same speed I was going for a while. Friction eventually slowed him down and I went by. I found a spot to pull over and check the damage. Smashed hood grill and fender and radiator tank.
    Seemed odd at the time that I was the one to hit it. I had two cars in front of me. I wasn't far behind the car directly in front of me and yet this damned deer jumped between us.
    A friend stopped on his bike and then another. The second guy to show had already called his wife , who was on the way to get the deer. I headed home because my coolant was leaking. Guy's wife was there with the truck , she's a small girl , so , I get out to help load the deer. All 4 legs are broken so the first attempt failed to get it high enough , stupid modern too tall trucks. So she climbed in the bed and I hugged Bambi around the chest and lifted him in. Soon as he was in he let out a huge fart right at me. I guess he owed me that.
    I've 3 near strike while on bikes. Twice bucks jumped in the road directly in front of me and both times the sprang away before impact. The other time coming out of Canada heading toward Bonner Springs ,the daylight is gone and the traffic is all heading north. My bike was 30 years old with commiserate lighting , I was blinded by packs of cars and semis . I closed my left eye and tried to look right to not be blinded , even then it took a few seconds for full vision to return. One time as my vision came back I noticed a huge mule buck a foot or so to my left as I went by.
  11. small_e_900

    small_e_900Amanda carried it

    Aug 21, 2007
    Map 27 Mudpuddle Maine
    I lived in dirty Jersey and worked second shift.
    Riding home after midnight, about a million times, I came so close to deer that we could both smell fear.
    Never hit one though.

    I did hit a moose once but that was with a mini van, not a bike. It was in Maine though, not dirty Jersey.
    Never hit a moose if you can help it.
  12. Charleetho

    CharleethoMr. Zoom Zoom

    Oct 23, 2003
    Littleton, CO

    1700 miles from home. 3 fractures in the tib/fib of my right leg. Totaled bike. 4 long days to get home in the back of a rented Expedition. I limped for a year.

    11947846_10153172144369001_4160467584472897275_o.jpg 11893868_10153172144404001_8847300810898650461_o.jpg
  13. MrBob

    MrBobLong timerSupporter

    Oct 27, 2005
    O town, WI
    :(That is awful.
  14. FPGT72

    FPGT72Long timer

    Oct 25, 2006
    Kingsville MO
    我已经到加拿大(这符合你) and was going to do some RC flying with a buddy I knew from the old days. We are setting up the planes on the kitchen table and I am working on adjusting a pretty small P39, for the life of me I can't remember the company that made it, but I still have the plane but it has not been flown in about 20 years....it was that long ago.

    Anyhoo, I am working on getting control surfaces to move in the correct way, changing the reverse on the different channels when I make an error and reverse the throttle "servo". This is on electric planes. Well holding the plane I plug in the battery to check left is left and down is down, that kind of thing when the prop starts spinning as full tilt, it hits the end of my finger, bounces off the walls and my buddy grabs the plane. There was drops of blood everywhere. Walls, lights everywhere. And hanging on by a thread is a pretty good chunk of meat wacked off my ring finger on my left hand (I just had to look, it is still noticeable) Well it is just hanging by a little bit so what to do...it is really bleading and I am over the kitchen sink. Do I cut it off, sure lets give that a go....nope too painful, stick it back on, well all the blood flowing will not allow it to stay. Do you want to go to the hospital, I am not sure how that works, an american in canada, does my insurance cover it, will I be out of pocket for anything, will they even see me....no too many questions, lets wrap it up in some paper towels and it will stop bleeding in a minute....it did not. His wife comes home and has a cow, orders us to go to the hospital so beeing the good sheep we are off we go. I filled out some forms, and sat in an empty waiting room for a LONG time....think hours. Finally after running through all the papertowls we had with us my buddy goes up and says I am going to start leaking on the carpet. They come around their little desk area and I get in to a totally empty hall with beds along each side. There I sit now for another hour at least. Finally some male nurse (I guess) comes by and looks at my finger. He says they will have to sew the flap of skin back on. No numbing at all, I guess because it is the tip of my finger. This does not go well as sticking needles in the end of your finger even after you lopped it off still hurts. He hands me a little bent stainless steel bowl to hold my finger over and says he will be right back. Did I already say he was doing this with no gloves on. Now he comes back with a bit older female nures (I think nurse again, might have been a PA) and she goes to a cabinet grabs some baby powder stuff pours it on the end of my finger, that stops the bleeding after a few minutes. She then tapes the finger up and says that flap will attach on its own, or just fall off and to see my Dr when I get back home. She also did not wear gloves. That was it, and we are out the door.

    We started messing with planes around 8-ish in the morning, and we stopped for dinner around 7-ish. I am sure we pissed around his house for about an hour before we got ordered out.

    Alfa is the plane company, I just looked up their website, looks straight out of internet 1.0https://www.alfamodel.cz/index.php?_RQwhat=product&_RQid=_1011&_RQid_2=11011go down to the P39 that is the plane.

    Anyhoo I was not impressed, everyone there did not seem to care, we bothered them by showing up. There was NO ONE there at all, in the waiting room, in the back where they worked on me, no one there. Not sure what would happen if there was a big car crash or something.

    So there you go....I also never got a bill, note from my insurance company, they did photo copy about every form of ID I had, not one dime out of pocket. So if I would have known at the time about baking soda or corn starch to stop bleeding (trim black dog nails and you will hit the quick sooner than later) I would have passed on the deal all the way around and gone out flying.

    It never really hurt till they tried to sew it back on. I have hurt myself like that before, taken chunks of meat off and it never really hurt, very deep cuts to the bone on my knuckle it was pretty odd.
  15. flyinfuzz

    flyinfuzz2 Quarts low

    Jul 28, 2006
    At the bottom of the stairs
    Worked 5 deer - car crashes in a 3 hour period on the same road , heavy traveled rural 5 lane . One ran into a car then bounced off an through an oncoming cars windshield . Lucky only minor injuries .
  16. MrBob

    MrBobLong timerSupporter

    Oct 27, 2005
    O town, WI
    Yesterday I came within about 8 feet of hitting a deer with the rental van I'm driving after a deer hit me. This little asshole came streaking out of the woods along a busy road in a residential area. My heart almost stopped.
  17. Schnickelfritz

    Schnickelfritzpick, grin, repeat

    Jul 28, 2009
    Edge of the glacier
    Numerous close calls over the years on the moto and on the bicycle, but no strikes. I did clip the rear hoof of a leaping deer as it flew across a fairly busy street in the middle of town about 20 years ago. More like: the deer kicked the upper right A pillar as it jumped over my car in broad daylight. Didn't seem to disrupt the deer's travel as it bounded away to my left. There were a few cars about half a block behind me. At the next light, I stopped and looked around at my fellow motorists to see if they had any reaction--none of them seemed to have noticed anything. Only the tiniest mark was left on my car.

    However, during a CO cycling trip three months ago:

    Watched a helmet save a life yesterday.

    Scary and freakish moment in Tenmile Canyon, climbing east out of Vail toward the pass with Allen and three other friends. I was at the front of our group and saw an approaching trio of single-file riders descending from the pass in the other direction at 20-25 mph. Suddenly, a medium-sized deer shot out of the trailside forest 50 feet ahead of us and struck the third rider, a 55-y.o. Texas woman named Patricia, who was descending behind her husband and daughter. The deer, still airborne after hitting the rider, never even landed on the trail, but continued its upward arc, flipping end over end, over the edge and out of sight down the mountain toward Black Gore Creek 150 feet below (I-70 is on the other side of the valley at this location).

    Patricia was separated from her bike at full speed, crashed head-first into the asphalt, and rolled like a rag doll down the trail, ending up face down and out cold for about a minute—an ugly and chilling crash that could have been way worse. The right side of her face, right shoulder, ribs, and leg were all severely contused, left hand had a few busted-up fingers. Her helmet had road rash and a large chunk missing from just above her right forehead.

    I called 911 while Al went up to the next curve to warn approaching cyclists, Ian and Laura talked to her as she regained consciousness and helped her keep still and calm, and Joe turned around and chased down the husband and daughter, who were ahead of her, had not heard the crash, and were out of earshot by the time I reached the fallen rider. We were able to keep her still and shaded until her family returned and paramedics arrived from East Vail.

    She never saw the deer. Her facial injuries were not road-rashed like the rest of her body, so may have been caused by the impact with the deer, and she may have been unconscious before she hit the ground. She was semi-alert and responsive as she was loaded into the ambulance and we remounted and resumed our climb. I’m thankful for the quick response of Vail EMS and Eagle County Paramedics, and especially thankful that she was wearing a helmet, without which she surely wouldn't have needed an ambulance. Or anything else, ever again. Huge shout out to the Vail dispatcher for her patience and cool in working out our exact location.

    The EMS chief and I both spent a minute looking around the canyon just below us, but there was no sign of the deer.

    Fuckin deer, man.
  18. ADStryker

    ADStrykerBeen here awhile

    Jan 21, 2018
    The Land of Mañana
    Nailed a yearling one fall morning before sunrise on I-10 in the Texas hill country. No idea how fast I was going on impact, but I had been running at around the speed limit on a '78 CB750F. Chopped the throttle when I saw the deer, but I don't think I hit the brakes -- I didn't expect the vacuum-skulled quadruped to step out in front of my none-too-quiet ride. The impact hammered the front wheel to left lock. I wrenched it back but overshot to right lock. Rinse and repeat once or twice until things were far enough out of shape that the back end catapulted up, launching me down range with the bike tumbling along behind me. I was wearing a helmet, denim jacket, blue jeans, work gloves, and cowboy boots -- about as ATGATT as it got in those days for most riders.

    It was dark, so I couldn't see anything as I sailed through the air like Superman. Not sure where my right arm was, but I know I had my left arm out in front because my left hand hit the ground first, then my left shoulder, then I was rolling down the highway. I don't really remember the exact sequence of events after that. I remember walking along the highway and picking up my scattered belongings. I remember my left shoulder being numb. I remember holding a bag in my left hand and shoving something into it with my right, and seeing my left arm sag downwards with the bag in a way that just didn't look right. Turned out I had a broken collarbone.

    一个家庭在一辆旅行车跑尸体of the yearling and stopped to help, then a trucker stopped to help -- he gave me a cup of coffee. Then a state trooper stopped and started asking all kinds of fool questions -- I suppose just to kill time, because it took an hour or two for the volunteer medics to arrive from the nearest little town. Got a ride to their little hospital and a bill for $450 or so (this was in '82, when health insurance was still insurance, rather than the overpriced maintenance plans we have today). In addition to the broken collarbone I had a broken bone in one foot, some minor road rash on my hands and knees and one shoulder, and road rash on most of the inside of one forearm. I didn't feel too bad that first day, but for most of the rest of that first week I felt like somebody had worked over my whole torso with a meat tenderizer hammer.

    CB750F已经弯曲的叉子和一个排架or a bent swingarm. Insurance company totaled it. I took the payout and bought a shiny new CB1100F.
  19. fredx


    Jun 13, 2016
    Boulder, CO
    I've got 10,000 lumens of off-road lighting on the front my Yamaha Super Tenere. Nevertheless, I had a deer jump out of the bushes to the side of me just north of Fort Collins, CO this summer in pre-dawn darkness, and glance off my leg. I wasn't going fast, maybe 20-25mph, but it sure shook me up. Even with the 10k lumens of flood lighting, Bambi appeared out of nowhere. I'm now a big fan of eating venison whenever I can get it.
    scootaclikes this.
  20. MrBob

    MrBobLong timerSupporter

    Oct 27, 2005
    O town, WI
    Hunting deer with automatic weapons gets my vote.
    BkerChucklikes this.